How Can You Cure the Flu Fast?

December 1, 2019

What Are the Flu 2019 Symptoms? Many of the symptoms of the flu overlap those of the common cold. But in general, the symptoms of the flu are much more severe. There are a number of symptoms associated with the illness, including a fever over 100.4 F, aching muscles, chills, headache, nasal congestion, sore throat, fatigue and sweats. The flu virus usually lasts around three to seven days. However, certain symptoms like weakness and ...

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What Medicine Is Best for a Common Cold?

October 1, 2019

Who Is at Greatest Risk for a Cold? The reality is that anyone can catch a cold. Children who are under the age of 6 are at the greatest risk, and they can pass along the illness to others in their families. Even adults tend to get more than one cold during the course of year, on average experiencing up to three per year. Symptoms of a Cold Runny or stuffy nose Sore throat Cough ...

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Why Are My Allergies Worse in the Fall?

September 15, 2019

What Causes Sinus Problems During the Fall Season? Ragweed is certainly the biggest allergy trigger in the fall. This allergen usually emerges around late August and can last all through September and October. In addition to ragweed, mold is another common fall allergy trigger. Signs of Fall Allergies Sneezing Coughing Runny nose Sinus headaches Scratchy throat Poor sleep quality How Long Does Ragweed Last? Your fall allergy symptoms are going to last as long as ...

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How Can I Better Handle My Kids' Sports Season?

September 1, 2019

Do Sports Help Kids? While there are definitely physical benefits that come with playing sports, children are also able to develop skills they will need for a lifetime. For instance, they are able to learn the value of teamwork and how to play fair. In addition, children are able to learn how to win and lose the right way, which is all a part of good sportsmanship. Benefits of Participating in Sports Ability to work ...

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