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How to Tell If Your Cut or Laceration Needs Stitches

June 1, 2021

Everyone gets cuts from time to time, but some are worse than others. While you might not realize that your cut needs stitches in the moment, there are some tell-tale signs that your wound might need additional medical attention. Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team highlights some of those signs below, so keep reading! Here’s what to do: Check the size of your cut. If your cut or laceration is deeper or longer than ...

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Are X-rays Really Necessary?

May 18, 2021

Definitely! We understand that you will be dealing with radiation and higher costs at times, but not getting an X-ray when dealing with lots of pain can increase your risk of long-term injury and other health complications. Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut provides some additional info on X-rays below, so read on! What Are X-rays, Anyway? X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation used to create images of bones, joints and soft tissue structures inside ...

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How Can I Prevent Future Kidney Infections?

May 5, 2021

Although kidney infections are rare, they’re quite serious. In fact, when left untreated, kidney infections can be life-threatening! Certainly, nobody wants to experience anything like that, so how can you stay healthy and protect your kidneys? Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team has some answers, so read on. What Are Kidney Infections? When harmful bacteria get into the kidneys, it can cause an infection. The bacteria that cause kidney infections usually come from another ...

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Does It Mean I Have an Ear Infection If My Ear Is Clogged?

April 15, 2021

Even though a clogged ear doesn’t usually cause pain, feeling a blockage or the frequent urge to pop your ears can be quite a nuisance. So, what actually causes the feeling of a clogged ear, and is it related to an ear infection? Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team has some answers, so read on. Why Is My Ear Clogged? There are several different explanations, but one of the biggest culprits of clogged ears ...

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Does My Child Need a Sports Physical?

April 1, 2021

Good news: Spring sports are finally here! But whether your child is playing for Farragut Middle or Hardin Valley Elementary, sports physicals are required first. Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team shares some info about the importance of sports physicals below, so read on! Why Does My Child Need a Sports Physical? Sports physicals help determine whether it’s safe for a child to participate in a certain sport. Because of this, most schools require ...

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What Are the Common Symptoms of Strep Throat?

March 15, 2021

Strep throat is especially common among children and young adults, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get it when you are older. According to the CDC, around 11,000 to 24,000 Americans fall ill to this common infection every year. How are we supposed to know if we have strep throat, though? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Farragut further explains. What Should I Know About Strep Throat ...

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What Are the Early Symptoms of COVID-19?

March 3, 2021

You probably know by now that general body and muscle aches are a common symptom of COVID-19, but many have experienced other, more prevalent symptoms in the beginning stages of the virus. So, what are the most common, early signs of COVID-19? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Farragut has some answers, so read on. What Symptoms Will I Experience First? A recent study at the University of Southern California showed that most COVID-19 symptoms ...

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Necessary Steps to Take When Dealing With a UTI

February 16, 2021

Urinary tract infections are very common among women. Because they’re a common infection, it’s important to know how to identify them, treat them and prevent them. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Farragut provides some helpful info. How to know if you have one: Monitor your symptoms. If you experience things like a burning sensation when peeing, frequent urination, cloudy or dark urine, urine with a strong odor and a ...

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Will Chronic Stress Affect My Health?

February 1, 2021

Yes, it will. It’s no secret that too much stress can affect how we feel and think, so it makes sense that too much of it can make a lasting impact on our health. This is another reason that the coronavirus pandemic has been so tough on our society. Obviously, the direct medical impact of the virus has been awful in and of itself, but the additional stress that it has put on our ...

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How Different Is the Flu From COVID-19?

January 18, 2021

The flu and COVID-19 are both respiratory illnesses, but they’re caused by two totally different viruses. The flu is caused by an infection with an influenza virus, and COVID-19 is caused by an infection with a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. But what does this all mean? How are we supposed to tell the differences between the two once we start feeling under the weather this winter? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent ...

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