What Does Scoliosis Look Like in Children?

September 15, 2022

Scoliosis affects the way that your spine is supported. If your child has scoliosis, his or her spine has taken on an “S” or “C” shape instead of the typical vertical structure. Scoliosis can be genetic or a developmental abnormality, and sometimes no known cause is detected. In most cases, treatment comes in the form of symptom management rather than a cure. If you are concerned that your child’s spine is beginning to curve ...

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What STD Tests Are Available at AFC?

September 1, 2022

Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are more common than you may think. Even though they are not usually a popular topic of conversation, they actually affect one in five people at any given time. If you start to experience some symptoms of an STD, it is important to be tested as soon as possible to prevent spreading the infection and developing long-term problems. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Farragut can test for a variety ...

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Does My Asthma Diagnosis Limit Me?

August 16, 2022

Any doctor will tell you that regular exercise is necessary in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you have asthma, that is even more important! Although it can seem scary to think about, consistent exercise can actually help you manage your asthma symptoms down the road. Supporting your body to help it function its best will help you in all aspects of your life. If you have asthma, our staff at AFC Urgent Care ...

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How Should I Treat My Child’s Sports Injury?

August 4, 2022

Having active children is both fun and exhausting! Encouraging their love for sports by driving them to all of their camps, clinics and tournaments is rewarding but keeps families incredibly busy. But what happens when your child accidentally gets hurt while on the field? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Farragut sees sports injuries quite often, and we know exactly how to approach each injury. Read on to learn about some of the more common ...

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Can Small Fractures Get Bigger?

July 20, 2022

Fractures and bone breaks are some of the most common reasons people end up in urgent cares and at the doctor’s office. Not only are they typically extremely painful to experience, but they require immediate medical care so they won’t get worse. Read on to learn more about fractures from our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team! What Exactly Is a Fracture? A fracture, often known as a “broken bone,” happens when a bone ...

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How Serious Is Mesenteric Adenitis?

June 15, 2022

Some conditions are more common among children than they are among adults, and mesenteric adenitis is one of those conditions. Children and teens are most susceptible to this condition that is often caused by a virus or bacteria in the stomach. Read on to learn more about it from our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team. What Is Mesenteric Adenitis? Mesenteric adenitis, sometimes known as mesenteric lymphadenitis, is the swelling of the lymph nodes in the ...

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How Can I Stop Mosquito Bites From Itching?

June 1, 2022

Mosquito bites are common during the spring, and as much as we want to scratch them when they itch, it’s a bad idea to do so. Scratching mosquito bites can cause infections, which can, in turn, cause more health complications. So, what are we supposed to do when the itch becomes unbearable? Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team shares some helpful tips below, so keep reading! How Can I Know If I Have a ...

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How Can I Get Rid of a Kidney Stone?

May 16, 2022

Kidney stones can be quite painful, and if you get one, it feels like it lasts forever—even though it generally will only last for about a month. In most cases, kidney stones can be passed without any necessary medical or surgical procedures. Learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team below! What Causes Kidney Stones? When urine is too concentrated and is unable to filter out waste, kidney stones form, which are hard ...

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Why Do I Experience Allergy Symptoms In the Spring?

May 2, 2022

Spring is a season that many of us are eager to welcome. The long, laborious months of winter get old quickly, and the blooming flowers and trees during April and May are sights to behold. As beautiful as spring is, it can be a tough season for many, due to seasonal allergies commonly rearing their ugly heads during this time of year. Why does this happen, though? Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team shares some ...

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Do I Have a Vitamin Deficiency If I Bruise Often?

April 18, 2022

You’re walking around the home and knock your knee into something you didn’t see; a bruise shows up a day later as a reminder of your clumsiness. This is a common occurrence for many, but there are times when bruises show up and you don’t even remember how you got them. Should you be concerned? Not usually, and our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team explains why below. What Exactly Is a Bruise ...

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