What Are the Common Symptoms of Strep Throat?

March 15, 2021

Strep throat is especially common among children and young adults, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get it when you are older. According to the CDC, around 11,000 to 24,000 Americans fall ill to this common infection every year. How are we supposed to know if we have strep throat, though? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Farragut further explains. What Should I Know About Strep Throat ...

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What Are the Early Symptoms of COVID-19?

March 3, 2021

You probably know by now that general body and muscle aches are a common symptom of COVID-19, but many have experienced other, more prevalent symptoms in the beginning stages of the virus. So, what are the most common, early signs of COVID-19? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Farragut has some answers, so read on. What Symptoms Will I Experience First? A recent study at the University of Southern California showed that most COVID-19 symptoms ...

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