How Long Do Skin Rashes Last?

June 15, 2021

It’s no secret that skin rashes are painful and itchy, but they can also be so much so that you won’t have the motivation or concentration to do anything else because they can be so uncomfortable. So, how are long are you supposed to suffer through this discomfort? Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut provides some helpful info about skin rashes below, so keep reading! What Causes Skin Rashes? Skin rashes can be caused ...

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How to Tell If Your Cut or Laceration Needs Stitches

June 1, 2021

Everyone gets cuts from time to time, but some are worse than others. While you might not realize that your cut needs stitches in the moment, there are some tell-tale signs that your wound might need additional medical attention. Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team highlights some of those signs below, so keep reading! Here’s what to do: Check the size of your cut. If your cut or laceration is deeper or longer than ...

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