How Did I Get A UTI?

March 27, 2024

How Did I Get A UTI? The children are all excited for the anticipated ice skating outing but you suddenly find yourself struggling with lower back pain and a constant urge to urinate. You wonder how you are going to physically manage two young children as they practice skating all while dragging them to the restroom each time you need to go. You aren’t sure what the problem is, but you need answers, and ...

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Can Adults Get Pink Eye?

March 14, 2024

by Isaac Zefo | Mar 14, 2024 | Family Health How do Most Adults get Pink Eye? Are you stuck at home dealing with a pesky bout of pink eye? You’re itching to get back to your regular activities, like exploring the Sunsphere from the 1982 World’s Fair and marveling at its gold-infused glass windows. But until you’re back on your feet, here are some tips to avoid another exposure. The cooler winter months ...

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