Can I Avoid Getting Sick During the Holiday Season?

November 15, 2023

No matter which holidays you celebrate or the traditions you observe, this time of year can be so wonderful for many different reasons. The increased time spent with family, finding the perfect gift and making memories with your loved ones are blessings every year.

One aspect of this season that is not a blessing, however, is the rise in seasonal illnesses and the potential of getting sick right before a big party or gathering. No one wants to miss out on all of the fun activities just because of a stubborn illness!

Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team wants you to stay healthy throughout the entire holiday season, so check out below some helpful tips to avoid getting sick.

Are Infections More Common When It’s Colder?

Infection caseloads tend to spike in the fall and winter not necessarily because it is colder outside, but because we are all spending much more time together indoors. The close proximity to other people is what encourages viruses and bacteria to spread and replicate faster. This is why taking care of yourself at this point in the year is crucial.

Feeling run down or experiencing high levels of stress can impact your immune system and make you more susceptible to getting sick. Try to get between seven and nine hours of quality sleep every night and eat a well-rounded diet. Wash your hands often, and consider limiting the time you spend indoors with large crowds.

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

  • Bundle up when it is cold outside.
  • Get your flu vaccine.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Wear your seatbelt while traveling.

Are Foodborne Illnesses a Concern?

Who doesn’t love a delicious spread of food at a holiday party or gathering? Whether you are the resident cookie baker for the family or you know the secret about how to make the best turkey, the risk of spreading a foodborne illness is always a possibility. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling food, cover coughs and sneezes and let someone else prepare the meal if you are feeling sick.

You should also be sure to serve any perishable food right away and then store leftovers promptly. The longer food sits out, the greater the risk that bacteria has started to grow. If food has been sitting out for more than two hours, it is best to just toss it to be on the safe side.

Being Safe in the Kitchen

  • Use designated cutting boards for raw meat and produce.
  • Wash hands before handling food.
  • Don’t cook for others when you aren’t feeling well.
  • Understand specific allergies or dietary restrictions for those attending your party.

We wish you a safe and happy holiday season! Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Farragut if you aren’t feeling well.

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