Is an Annual Flu Shot Necessary?

October 24, 2023

Can you believe that it is already time to start talking about influenza again for the year? It went by so fast! Flu season is getting underway, and we are starting to see cases rise around our community.

While it is not always possible to avoid getting sick, tools like the flu vaccine can help you stay healthy. You should be getting your flu shot every year for the best protection.

Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Farragut for a quick visit and your flu shot! We explain more about this helpful vaccine below.

Why Do I Need a Flu Shot Every Year?

The flu is a virus, and viruses change and mutate all the time into different strains. Even if you got the flu last year, you may not be immune to this current strain that is circulating. The flu shot is reformulated every year to provide the best protection around those most common strains for the season.

Historically, the flu shot is up to 60% effective at preventing the flu completely, and there is already data out that is showing this year’s shot is just as effective. You should aim to get your flu shot by the end of October in order for the best protection. Since it takes about two weeks for your body to develop the antibodies it needs to keep you healthy, getting it early prepares your body before caseloads hit their peak in the Farragut area.

Common Flu Symptoms This Season

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Congestion
  • Body aches
  • Cough

Can the Flu Shot Make Me Sick?

No! While you may feel tired or run down for a day or two after your shot, your body is simply working hard to develop those important antibodies. The flu vaccine contains deactivated flu virus, meaning that the flu shot cannot give you the actual flu.

The flu shot is a helpful tool to avoid getting sick, but it can also control your symptom severity if you do experience a breakthrough case. It can also help reduce the number of days you experience those symptoms as well. We offer the flu shot to anyone over the age of 6 months, so come see us for yours today.

Why Flu Vaccines Matter For Our Community

  • They reduce serious respiratory illness.
  • They are updated every year for the best protection.
  • They could save your life.
  • They protect your family from exposure and our community from large outbreaks.

If you are wondering if your recent illness is the flu, come see us at AFC Urgent Care Farragut.

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