What Bug Bites Are Common in the Summer?

July 14, 2023

A girl with a mosquito in her arms

We love the summer season around here—and for good reason! Who doesn’t love all the sun, fun and slapping at mosquitoes? Just kidding about that last one.

Bugs are a just a common part of living in the South, and we are used to it at this point. Most bugs are simply annoying, but they can bite or sting from time to time and cause significant discomfort.

Our AFC Urgent Care Farragut team explains some common bug bites and what to do about them below, so read on to learn more.

Do Tick Bites Itch or Hurt?

Ticks are at their peak from early spring to mid-fall, although you can be bitten at any point in the year. Ticks are really small and can be impossible to feel on your skin, so you may not notice when one latches on to you and embeds itself. The pain won’t come until you notice the bite and try to pull the tick off!

Your main goal should always be removing the tick as quickly and thoroughly as you can. While not all ticks are carrying Lyme disease, the ones that are need to be attached to you for 36 hours to transmit the disease. The clock starts ticking as soon as they start to drink your blood, so don’t wait.

How to Pull a Tick From Your Skin

  • Use a clean tweezers and pull slowly and steadily away from the skin.
  • Do not twist as you pull.
  • Take a picture of the tick.
  • Dispose in the garbage in a piece of tape or flush in the toilet.
  • Wash your hands and the bite site thoroughly.

What Does a Mosquito Bite Look Like?

We are no strangers to mosquitoes around here, so chances are that you have gotten at least a few mosquito bites in your life. They usually appear as small red bumps that are itchy and raised. They can make you uncomfortable for a day or so but will eventually fade on their own. You can also apply some calamine lotion or itch cream to find some relief.

Stings from bees or wasps on the other hand require a bit more attention. Getting stung can be really painful! Stings typically will turn your skin red almost instantly, and the site can appear rashy or really irritated. It can burn, sting or just be downright painful. If you don’t know what stung you or if it’s the first time you have been stung by a particular insect, watch for any emerging symptoms closely. Allergic reactions can become medical emergencies within minutes.

Serious Allergic Reaction Symptoms

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of the throat and tongue
  • The appearance of hives or flushed skin
  • Loss of consciousness or fainting

If you are ever worried about an animal or insect bite, come see us at AFC Urgent Care Farragut.

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