What Happens When You Have Vertigo?

October 3, 2022

What Happens When You Have Vertigo?

A flareup of vertigo is more than just a quick dizzy spell. Vertigo causes your entire world to shift and move around you while you are standing still. It seems to continually spin, and it can be impossible to function day to day while you are affected.

While vertigo can be diagnosed, it isn’t a disease. It is a resulting symptom related to another condition within your body. Around 40% of Americans have dealt with or will deal with vertigo at least once in their lifetimes, so it is a common diagnosis with multiple treatment options. Check out our latest AFC Urgent Care Farragut blog about vertigo below!

Where Does Vertigo Start?

The sensation of vertigo typically stems from an imbalance within your inner ear. When your balance is off, that’s where the spinning and unsteady sensations come from. Conditions like migraines, labyrinthitis and BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) can all cause a bout of vertigo.

Simple cases can last only a few seconds (but even those seconds can be intense) or they can linger and last for hours or days. If your case is one that lingers, it is time to be evaluated by a medical provider.

Other Contributing Vertigo Symptoms

  • Intense spinning or world shifting sensations
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Tinnitus (ringing in ears)
  • Motion sickness

Are There Any Quick Fixes for Vertigo?

Thankfully, most cases of vertigo don’t last very long and will go away on their own. But when your world is shifting and spinning around you, it is likely that you want to seek immediate relief. Anti-nausea meds may help with an upset stomach and general unwell feeling. It is also helpful to move slowly and avoid turning your head quickly.

If you know that your vertigo is caused by a case of BPPV, certain head movements and positions can help push calcium deposits through your ear and rebalance your equilibrium. These movements can be very helpful but should only be done under a medical provider’s supervision to make sure they are being done correctly.

Minimizing A Vertigo Attack

  • Stand up slowly.
  • Sleep with your head elevated.
  • Turn your whole body and not just your head.
  • Squat to pick up something instead of bending over.

If your vertigo becomes severe or is recurrent, it is time to be seen by a medical provider. Drop by AFC Urgent Care Farragut to be seen quickly!

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