What Infection Is Making Me Sick?

October 1, 2023

That’s the question no one wants to be typing into their search engines at this time of year. While we are busy making plans for holiday trips and planning out family adventures, getting sick is the last thing on your list.

However, cold and flu season is upon us once more, and illnesses like strep throat, colds, the flu and COVID-19 are rising around us quickly.

All of these illnesses can present with similar symptoms, so stop by AFC Urgent Care Farragut for a rapid test! Read on to learn more about these different infections.

What Do Strep Throat, the Flu and COVID-19 Have in Common?

All three of these illnesses are infections. Strep throat is caused by exposure to a bacteria called group A streptococcus. COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-COV2 virus, and the flu is caused by the influenza virus. Coming into contact with an infected person or touching an infected surface and then touching your face are two of the ways you can get sick from all three of these illnesses.

While these illnesses are different in origin, they can still produce a similar immune response when your body starts to launch its attack. A fever, body aches, a headache and a sore throat are all common responses to illness in the beginning. That’s why a quick stop to our center for a rapid test can be your solution to a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Illnesses We Can Test for at AFC Urgent Care Farragut

  • COVID-19
  • Influenza
  • Strep throat

Can AFC Treat Any Infection?

These illnesses may seem similar at the start, but not all infections can be treated with a quick or simple remedy. Strep throat is a bacterial infection, so a round of antibiotics can make you feel better in just a few days.

COVID-19 and the flu are viral in nature, so there is unfortunately no quick fix for these infections. Antiviral drugs can help you avoid serious symptoms, but rest and hydration remain the most reliable ways of helping your body overcome the infection.

Symptoms Shared by COVID-19 and the Flu

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Runny nose
  • Fever

Need help determining what is making you sick? Stop by AFC Urgent Care Farragut for a rapid test.

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