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Do I Have Bronchitis or Pneumonia?

February 1, 2023

So you woke up with a fever, you’re coughing and your chest feels full of mucus. Now what? Chances are you are suffering from some type of lung infection! Bronchitis and pneumonia are two common lung infections, and both infections can produce similar symptoms. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Fountain City team explains the differences between these two illnesses below. What’s the Difference Between Bronchitis and Pneumonia? A bronchitis infection affects ...

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Can I Tell if an Infection Is Bacterial or Viral?

January 15, 2023

It’s that time of year again where illness seems to be everywhere. Even if you do everything you are supposed to like washing your hands and avoiding people who are sick, there is still the chance that you could fall ill a few times during the winter season. If you do get sick, knowing what you are suffering from can help you treat your illness more effectively. When it comes to having an infection ...

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What Should I Do if I Have the Flu?

January 1, 2023

Even if you take all of the proper precautions like getting your flu shot and eating well, you can still come down with the flu. While flu symptoms in individuals who have gotten their shot tend to be less severe, it can still make you feel ill for a few days. If you suspect you have the flu or are feeling sick, we can help with a diagnosis at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City! In ...

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Do I Need to Treat a Fever?

December 13, 2022

If you are fighting off an infection, chances are that a fever is one of the symptoms you are experiencing. Your fever might not be noticeable to you, or it could make you feel downright miserable! Fevers are your body’s way of helping you fight off infection, so in most cases, they are a good thing. If you are trying to decide whether to treat a fever, check out our AFC Urgent Care Fountain ...

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Do I Need a Flu Shot This Year?

December 1, 2022

We recommend that everyone gets a flu shot every year to help protect them from severe illness. We especially recommend it this year as we enter into a season where the flu and COVID-19 are circulating around together—and people are taking fewer illness-prevention precautions. The flu vaccine has been around for over 50 years and has been proven to be very effective in reducing symptom severity and even preventing illness in the first place ...

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What Should I Know About Childhood Headaches?

November 15, 2022

Adult headaches can be anything from a minor nuisance all the way to a medical emergency. The same is true for when your child comes to you complaining of head pain. Thankfully, most headaches are minor and can be remedied with some simple at home measures. In other cases, though, they can require prompt medical attention. Our AFC Urgent Care Fountain City team wants you and your family to stay safe and healthy, so read ...

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What Are the Warning Signs of RSV in Babies?

November 1, 2022

As parents, it’s our job to protect our children as best we can. When it comes to illness, that can be difficult! It can be especially hard when there are so many different kinds of illnesses and sicknesses at this time of year. One illness that all parents need to watch for is respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. RSV symptoms can vary widely from simple cold-like symptoms to trouble breathing. It can be a ...

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Can Antibiotics Help My Infection?

October 15, 2022

The development of antibiotics is one of the greatest accomplishments of modern medicine. Before their discovery, your chance of death due to an infection was about 30%! Thanks to antibiotics, a bacterial infection is much less dangerous today. They are a wonderful asset to our health and can help you recover more quickly. Antibiotics are great when they are used correctly, and our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City explains the correct use of ...

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How Do I Know If I Have Vertigo?

October 3, 2022

Any sort of dizziness or spinning sensation can make it hard to navigate daily life. When you have a flareup of vertigo, it can make it downright impossible to accomplish simple daily tasks. Vertigo is a lot more complicated than just a quick episode of dizziness. When you experience vertigo, your whole world and your surroundings feel like they are shifting and moving around you. Some people describe it as a “swooping” sensation. If you ...

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Is Scoliosis a Progressive Condition?

September 15, 2022

If you or your children have scoliosis, chances are that you have wondered if and when it will get worse. Scoliosis is a progressive condition, meaning that the longer you have it, the worse it can become. However, this progressive condition is unique in that it does not have a predictive trajectory. Some cases will only progress in childhood and not get any worse, and some may continue to worsen and begin to affect your ...

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