What Causes Sinus Problems in the Fall?

September 1, 2019

The summer months are winding down, which means the allergy symptoms should be too, right? Wrong! Unfortunately, the fall allergens are just beginning to pop up! But no worries—our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City has some insight to share about fall allergies and how to prevent them. What Could Be Causing Allergies This Time of Year? If you’ve lived in east Tennessee long, you probably know that allergy season isn’t ...

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How Many Kids Get Injured Playing Sports?

August 15, 2019

Did you know that more than 45 million children in the United States play an organized sport? While sports are great for improving a child’s physical health, sports also play such an overall role in a child’s development. Sports can help children to learn to work as a team, as well as increase their own self-confidence. While our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City enjoys the benefits sports can bring, we also ...

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Am I at Risk for Diabetes?

August 1, 2019

The short answer is yes. Every person is at risk of developing diabetes—the disease doesn't discriminate based on age, gender, race or any other factor. How much do you know about this common condition? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to share some details: What Does Diabetes Do? When you have diabetes, the body has too much blood glucose in it. This can be caused by more than one factor ...

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How I Keep My Family Safe in the Summer Heat?

July 15, 2019

Of course you are going to want to spend your days out in the sun this summer. However, if you don’t take certain precautions, your time in the sun can lead to an increased risk of dehydration and sunburn. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City has some tips to share about staying safe in the summer heat. What Is the First Sign of ...

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What Should I Do About Bug Bites This Summer?

July 1, 2019

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease every year. Tick sightings are especially common during the summer months, when we spend more time outdoors. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to offer you tips on how you should handle a tick bite and other bug bites should one occur this summer. What Happens After a Tick Bites? Once you realize ...

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How Can I Get More Exercise?

June 15, 2019

June is Men's Health Month, so there's no better time to examine your health habits. Have you been meaning to get more physical activity into your normal routine? Now's the time to start! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City has some some tips on how to begin. Why Is Physical Activity Important? If we were making a list, this would be a long one! Physical activity benefits your entire health ...

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Can My Injury Be Treated at Home?

June 1, 2019

Accidents happen every day. As a result, injuries occur. While some injuries call for medical care, others can be treated at home. But how do you know which injury can be treated at home and which one needs medical care? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City has the answer! Does My Injury Need Medical Attention? While there are times that an injury can be treated at home with rest and ice, there are ...

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What Can I Do to Prevent Skin Cancer?

May 15, 2019

While your goal is to have a fun, carefree summer, you also want to make sure you are taking action against skin cancer. Approximately one in every five people living in the United States will receive a skin cancer diagnosis by age 70, which makes it the most common cancer in the United States. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of skin cancer—now and in the future. Our team ...

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How Can I Make Health a Family Affair?

May 1, 2019

We all want to do what we can to live a healthier life. However, why should we go at it alone? During Family Wellness Month this May, our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants you to consider not just improving your personal health habits, but the health habits of your family as a whole! Why Does My Family Need to Be Healthy? While this might sound like a silly question, it is important ...

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How Can I Find Relief From Stress?

April 15, 2019

Stress happens to us all. Whether it is brought on by your job, school work or family and friends, stress is just a part of life. But while some stress is normal, too much can be dangerous to your health, which is why our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City is here to help you conquer your stress once and for all. How Does Sleep Affect My Stress? Quality of sleep can impact your ...

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