How Can I Change My Eating Habits?

April 1, 2019

It is extremely easy to get to a point where you become complacent with your eating habits. Whether it is grabbing fast food on the way home from work or visiting your local coffee shop every morning for a high-calorie coffee beverage, it can be easy to fall into poor eating habits. However, those poor eating habits can definitely take a toll on your overall health. Therefore, our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City ...

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Do I Need an Antibiotic?

March 15, 2019

When we start to not feel well, it’s fairly common to jump to the assumption that we need an antibiotic. However, this is not always the case, especially if your infection is viral rather than bacterial. But why aren’t antibiotics always effective treatment? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City takes a look at the issue: What Is a Bacterial Infection? Put simply, a bacterial infection is an infection caused by a ...

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Why Is a Sports Physical So Important?

March 1, 2019

Spring sports season is getting underway! At AFC Urgent Care Fountain City, we want to make sure you don’t miss out on one important aspect of spring sports—the sports physical! Why Does My Athlete Need a Sports Physical? As with anything in life, you want to make sure your young athlete is as protected as possible during games or practice. A sports physical allows you to do just that! During a sports physical ...

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How Does Exercise Play a Role in Heart Health?

February 15, 2019

If there was ever a perfect time to start focusing on ways to improve your heart health, it’s during American Heart Month this February. Exercise plays an important role in maintaining good health, including our heart health. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to offer you some tips on how you can add exercise into your daily routine and improve your heart health as you age. What Is Heart Disease? According ...

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What Is Flu A?

February 1, 2019

Oh, flu season. Why did you have to come back into our lives? With flu season nearing its peak, our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to share some information about the flu and how to prevent it. What Is the Flu A Virus? There are three main strains of the flu: Flu A Flu B Flu C While Flu A and B are the flu strains you most hear about in the ...

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What Is a Respiratory Infection?

January 16, 2019

Millions of respiratory infections are diagnosed in the United States each year. As soon as the symptoms begin to appear, the only thing you can probably think about is finding relief as soon as possible. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants you to start finding relief from an upper respiratory infection sooner rather than later, which is why we want to shed some light on what a respiratory infection is and how ...

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Do I Have Strep Throat or Just a Sore Throat?

January 1, 2019

A sore throat could be the first symptom experienced when a person has many medical conditions, including a cold or the flu. That’s why it’s important to seek medical attention if your sore throat lasts for more than a few days. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to share some insight about sore throats, including what causes them and how to treat them. What Is a Sore Throat? A sore ...

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What Causes You to Cough?

December 15, 2018

Sometimes it cannot be unexplained. You can be fine one minute and coughing the next. In many cases, it seems like you can be fine throughout the day and then start having coughing attacks at night. The best way to get rid of that cough is to determine what’s causing it in the first place. That’s why our AFC Urgent Care Fountain City team wants to share some insight. What Is a Cough ...

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What Causes a Sinus Infection?

December 1, 2018

Did you know that sinus infections are one of the most common reasons for doctor’s visits? In fact, more than 30 million people living in the United States experience a sinus infection each year. If you’re someone who tends to experience a sinus infection every year, you are far from alone. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City is here to help you find relief from your sinus infection sooner rather than ...

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What Can You Do to Prevent High Blood Pressure?

November 15, 2018

Normal blood pressure is a reading of anything less than 120⁄80 mmHg. If, on the other hand, your blood pressure reads consistently at 140⁄90 mmHg or higher, you are said to have high blood pressure (also known as hypertension). The team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants you to know that you don’t have to sit back and live with high blood pressure. While some risk factors of high blood pressure ...

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