What Causes Fatigue?

November 1, 2018

When life gets busy, especially around this time of year, it is no wonder we all feel tired. However, sometimes that fatigue we are feeling can be due to an underlying medical condition. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to help you understand why you might be feeling more tired than usual lately. What Is Fatigue? Fatigue describes when a person feels tired, has reduced energy, feels physically or mentally exhausted, or ...

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Will I Have to Pay to Get My Flu Shot?

October 15, 2018

As of October, the flu season has begun! And, it will be sticking around for awhile, as the flu season typically extends from October all the way through April or May. No one wants to come down with a case of the flu, which is why our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to talk about the best way to prevent it—the flu vaccine. What Is the Flu? The flu virus, also ...

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What Is a Urinary Tract Infection?

October 1, 2018

A urinary tract infection occurs when there is an infection somewhere in your urinary system, such as in the kidneys, ureters, bladder and/or urethra. While anyone can suffer from a urinary tract infection (also known as a UTI), women are more susceptible than men. Fortunately, when caught early, a UTI can begin to clear up within 24 hours. Therefore, our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to urge you to seek medical ...

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How Long Does Walking Pneumonia Last?

September 15, 2018

We are finally in the middle of all the fall fun September brings to the Knoxville area! Between homecoming, local high school football games and fall fairs, there is no time to be sick. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to help you recognize the signs of walking pneumonia sooner rather than later so that you can get the treatment you need to get back to the fall fun ...

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What Does an STD Screen Test For?

September 1, 2018

fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContentFountainCity’); fbq('track', 'ViewContentSTD'); Did you know that one in two sexually active people will be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or infection in his or her lifetime? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants you to always be in the know, which is why we offer STD screening at our urgent care center seven days a week. What Is an STD Screening? There are dozens of STDs that ...

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How Long Does Bronchitis Last?

August 15, 2018

fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContentFountainCity’); fbq('track', 'ViewContentBronchitis'); When your days are crammed full of activities, the last thing you need is a case of bronchitis taking you down. Fortunately, the team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City is here to get you back to feeling as good as new when bronchitis rears its ugly head. What Is Bronchitis? Bronchitis occurs when there is an inflammation in the bronchial tubes, which carry air to the lungs. While ...

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Why Are My Lungs Burning?

August 1, 2018

When you feel as though your lungs are burning, it’s easy to start feeling anxious. But though the feeling can be alarming, it isn’t always a sign of serious. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City wants to share some insight into possible causes of that burning feeling—and when to seek medical care. Why Do Your Lungs Burn? Your lungs can burn for a variety of reasons, including the temperature outside ...

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How Long Does Strep Throat Last?

July 15, 2018

fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContentFountainCity’); fbq('track', 'ViewContentStrep'); Is there anything worse than cold symptoms during the heat of summer? We don’t think so—it can be just plain awful. You don’t want to be stuck inside while the weather is gorgeous in Fountain City, so if you’re experiencing a sore throat, take steps to get back to feeling your best! What Is Strep Throat? Strep throat, which occurs often in children ages 5 ...

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What Does a Wet Cough vs. a Dry Cough Mean?

July 1, 2018

We’ve all been there when a cough takes over and, for a second, you think it will never end. Especially in Fountain City and surrounding communities, the pollen is everywhere—which is probably the culprit behind much of our coughing. Did you know that there are actually two distinct kinds of cough? Let’s take a look at the differences between a wet cough and a dry cough: What Does It Mean If I ...

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How Long Does a Sinus Infection Last?

June 15, 2018

Chances are by now you or someone you know in Fountain City has experienced a sinus infection already this year. While sinus infections should last for less than four weeks, in some cases, chronic sinusitis can last for much longer. Fortunately, there are ways you can help limit your risk of developing a sinus infection—and ease the pain once one develops. Can I Prevent a Sinus Infection? While there is no exact science to ...

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