How to Manage Seasonal Affective Disorder

December 26, 2023

Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder this Winter with Vitamin D Are you happier when it’s sunnier? If the answer is yes, there’s a reasonable explanation for why sunny days tend to make people happier. Sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D, which our bodies need to maintain health. When the days are shorter and the weather is colder, many people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), commonly referred to as seasonal depression. If ...

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How to Treat Your Cooking Burns

December 15, 2023

Holiday Kitchen Safety: How to Treat Your Cooking Burns this Christmas With the holiday season quickly approaching in Fountain City, families are preparing the most important meals of the year to share with their loved ones. While our historic Knoxville neighborhood takes pride in plenty of local restaurants such as Louis’ Drive-in Restaurant or Litton’s Market, families tend to gather in their homes at Christmas time to prepare home-cooked meals. If you cook a ...

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How Can I Keep My Family Healthy During the Holidays?

November 14, 2023

The holidays are here, and we are so excited to start celebrating with our closest family and friends. While we are all busy decorating our houses, buying gifts and attending parties, there is always the chance that you will get sick at this time of year. While the more common illnesses like colds and the flu can keep you down for a few days, foodborne illnesses are also more common during the holiday season and ...

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What Are the Degrees of Burns? A Guide to Identifying Burns

November 7, 2023

What Are the Degrees of Burns? A Guide to Identifying Burns So, what are the degrees of burns? If you’ve been wondering how to identify burns, we’ve got the answers for you. Burns are a common injury that can occur from various sources, including hot liquids, fire, chemicals, and sun exposure. Depending on the severity of the burn, it can range from a minor inconvenience to a life-threatening emergency. Therefore, it is crucial ...

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Can Anyone Get RSV?

November 3, 2023

It’s that time of year again when we all take to the internet to search our current symptoms of illness and try to diagnose ourselves. The fall and winter seasons bring an abundance of different infections and other illnesses that can make us feel really sick. Among those illnesses is RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus. While anyone can contract RSV, it is much more dangerous for an older adult or a small child to ...

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Why Is the Flu Shot So Important?

October 24, 2023

The fall season has arrived in a big way in the Fountain City area! The leaves are falling, the colors are changing and we are finally experiencing that refreshing crispness to the air. While many of us appreciate the colder months in our community, the arrival of cold and flu season is never welcomed. Getting your flu shot can help you stay healthier throughout the year. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City ...

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Can COVID-19 and the Flu Cause the Same Symptoms?

October 1, 2023

We are entering into the heart of cold, flu and COVID-19 season, so being aware of the different symptoms for each illness is crucial for protecting your family and others if you do start to get sick. However, a runny nose or a fever doesn’t automatically mean COVID-19 or influenza since all of these different illnesses can share similar symptoms. The team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City can help! We can take a ...

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Is COVID-19 Still Circulating?

September 15, 2023

The last couple of years have been so tumultuous and full of unease, frustration and illness, and we are so thankful that COVID-19’s emergency status is behind us. However, we still have to remain alert as COVID-19 is still circulating in our community and cases have actually risen in the last couple of months. Staying vigilant and taking the necessary precautions can help you avoid getting sick. Remember, you can still get COVID-19 again ...

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What Should I Do If I Fall at Home?

September 14, 2023

Home is our safe place to land at the end of the day. Whether we are busy running around for appointments, errands or visits with friends, we all hope that our homes are ready to welcome and take care of us. While most of us don’t associate danger with our homes, getting older can pose certain risks around your house, especially if you live alone. Falling is a common incident among the older population ...

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What Can Help Me Quit Smoking?

August 15, 2023

We are glad you asked! Just even thinking about the possibility of giving up this addictive habit in a step in the right direction. Quitting any habit can be tough, but it can be especially difficult if it is as addictive as tobacco. Smoking cigarettes is one of the most common addictions, so you are not the only one out there who is struggling to find the motivation to quit. Just know that quitting will ...

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