Should I Go to the Gym This Year?

November 1, 2020

As we all already know, the looming presence of COVID-19 has made literally everything much more inconvenient. Gyms have closed, which has made it much harder to get the exercise that many of us were used to getting. With many of them reopening, however, does that mean it’s safe to go back and start pumping the iron again? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City helps walk you through it ...

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Why Do I Have Fall Allergies?

October 15, 2020

Isn’t the fall just the best? Cooler weather, sweatshirts, pumpkin spice lattes and the beautiful colors are just a few of the great things that fall has to offer. What people don’t like acknowledging, though, is the big negative thing that fall can bring about: allergies. If you struggle from sniffling and sneezing during the fall months and don’t know why, AFC Urgent Care Fountain City offers some helpful information below. Do ...

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How Do I Know If I'm Drinking Enough Water?

October 1, 2020

Water, huh? It’s not the most exciting sounding drink as we’d probably all prefer an ice-cold Coke instead, but putting down the caffeine and picking up your water bottle does wonders for your health. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City provides some more helpful info on water and its importance. What Does Water Do for My Body? Did you know that the majority of our bodies are made ...

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Why Do I Feel So Stressed Out?

September 15, 2020

If you’re feeling stressed these days, you aren’t alone. While stress is a common part of life at all times, it’s become even more common these last few months. With many of us working at home and our children sometimes learning at home, too, stress is a real problem. Let our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City offer some tips on how to manage it effectively. Am I at Risk of ...

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Why Do I Need a Flu Shot?

September 1, 2020

If you’ve paid attention to the news recently, you’ve probably read or heard that getting a flu shot is even more important than normal this year. But you may wonder why that is. It’s because this year, there will be an unprecedented event—the annual flu season, which starts in November and goes through March or April, will coincide with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. That could lead to a greater number of ...

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How Can My Family Eat More Heart-Healthy Foods?

August 15, 2020

Did you know? Heart disease is the biggest killer in the U.S. That’s true for men and women alike. However, you can do a lot to change your risk for heart disease. Two of the biggest risk factors are high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Eating heart-healthy foods can lower both cholesterol and blood pressure. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City has some suggestions how to make heart-healthy eating tasty, too ...

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Can I Still Hit My Health Goals for the Year?

August 1, 2020

If you set some health resolutions earlier this year and then fell off the wagon once the quarantine began, you aren’t alone! While we may have had more time at home, we had other things to think about than getting healthy. But the good news is: There’s still plenty of time left in 2020 to take steps toward better health. Let our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City offer some tips to ...

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How Can I Prevent Myself From Getting a Sunburn?

July 15, 2020

Research about the dangers of the sun’s rays has taken off in recent years, so we are learning far more about the sun’s effects than we used to know—and part of what we have learned is just how dangerous sunburns are to your skin’s health. The good news is that sunburns are entirely preventable, but if you do get one, there are ways you can find relief and be more comfortable ...

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How Do You Prevent Heat Illness in Children?

July 1, 2020

When the temperatures rise and the days get longer, it is normal to want to get outside as much as possible with your family. While we often think about sun safety as a crucial component to enjoying the outdoors, it is vital that you are also practicing heat safety as well. While getting too hot can simply be uncomfortable, it can progress into a life-threatening condition if fast action is not taken. Read on as ...

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How Can I Lower My Risk of Getting COVID-19?

June 15, 2020

It’s a reality—all the news and information we’ve heard about COVID-19 since early March has been alarming. For a while, it seemed like the virus numbers just kept climbing at a crazy rate. While the numbers have leveled out some in recent weeks, you still want to do everything you can to protect yourself and those you love. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Fountain City is taking a ...

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