Can I Do Anything to Help My Vertigo Symptoms?

October 3, 2022

People who have experienced vertigo before often explain it like an intense spinning and world-shifting sensation. It is much more than just a dizzy feeling and it can actually cause you to lose your balance and fall over. If you are in the middle of an episode of vertigo, seeking relief is probably in the forefront of your mind! Read on from our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team to learn some simple tips to manage ...

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How Do I Know If I Have Scoliosis?

September 15, 2022

Scoliosis can develop without much warning, and in some cases, you might not even know you have it! Your spine is made up of stacking vertebrae, and those vertebrae typically take on a vertical shape in a straight line. Scoliosis spines take on an “S” or “C” shape, and can sometimes be visible to the naked eye. Scoliosis treatment is mostly focused on symptom management, unless you have a severe case. If you are concerned ...

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What Kind of STD Tests Can I Get at AFC Urgent Care?

September 1, 2022

Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, aren’t usually topics of casual dinner conversation, but did you know that they are incredibly common? Millions of Americans experience them every year, and they can range from asymptomatic cases to severe infection. If your most recent symptoms may make you wonder if you should be tested, it is always better to err on the side of caution and seek out a test. We can help you get tested ...

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What Is the Relationship Between Allergies and Asthma?

August 16, 2022

If you have seasonal allergies, the change in seasons can leave you with a feeling of dread. The itchy eyes and the runny nose can be so distracting! Unfortunately, those who have seasonal allergies also are at a heightened risk of developing seasonal asthma as well. Allergies and seasonal asthma are often seen together because they originate from the same triggers. When the temperature changes and pollen is in the air, your lungs have the ...

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AFC Urgent Care Gastonia Is Your Urgent Care of Choice

August 4, 2022

When you are in need of medical care quickly, your experience needs to be as efficient and as convenient as possible. At AFC Urgent Care Gastonia, we strive to do just that. Our caring and knowledgeable staff will see you quickly and provide you with the quality care that you deserve. Deciding what clinic to visit when you need care can seem overwhelming. After all, aren’t all urgent cares the same? When you step ...

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This Is What Separates Our Personnel From the Rest

July 20, 2022

Trusting whoever is caring for your medical needs is essential, but too often there is an element of distrust between patient and provider. We want you to know that you can trust us, because not only do we treat our patients well—we treat our staff well, too! Read on to learn more about our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia personnel. We don’t send people through the hospital system when we can’t meet a ...

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How Is Mesenteric Adenitis Treated?

June 15, 2022

Mesenteric adenitis sounds more serious than it really is. This condition affects mostly children and teens, and it often goes away on its own without the necessity of medical care. Keep reading to learn more about what it is and how to treat it from our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team. What Is Mesenteric Adenitis? Mesenteric adenitis (also known as mesenteric lymphadenitis) is the swelling of the lymph nodes in the abdomen. Although technically anyone ...

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How Worried Should I Be If I’ve Been Bitten By a Spider?

June 1, 2022

Spider bites are no joke. They hurt a lot when they happen, and if a black widow, brown recluse or hobo spider bites you, they can cause serious health issues. In most cases, though, spider bites are actually quite harmless. Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team! Are Most Spiders Dangerous? They actually aren’t. According to studies, there are around 3,000 different types of spiders in the United ...

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What Is a Kidney Stone?

May 16, 2022

Whether or not you’ve had a kidney stone before, odds are that you’ve certainly heard of one or know someone who has had one. They aren’t any fun to deal with, and they’re very common in America. Do you know what they actually are, though? Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team. What Actually Is a Kidney Stone? A kidney stone is an irregularly shaped solid ...

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7 Things You Should Know About Visiting AFC Urgent Care Gastonia

May 2, 2022

Our AFC center isn’t like other urgent care centers—what we promise is what we deliver! When you visit us, you’ll receive attentive medical care without having to wait forever or shell out too much money. Read on as our AFC team further explains what you can expect when you pay us a visit! Visiting our urgent care facility is less expensive than visiting the emergency room. Every year, people spend $4.4 ...

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