Should I Be Concerned That My Child Bruises a Lot?

April 18, 2022

Kids will be kids, which means that they will acquire lots of bumps and bruises along the way. Whether it’s due to bumping into a table, falling off a swing or diving after a ball in the yard, bruises are common among children and only in the very rare cases are they actually a cause for concern. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team shares more helpful info about bruises below. What ...

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What Can I Do If I Have Gastrointestinal Problems?

April 1, 2022

Everyone has tummy troubles at times. Although things like gas and a rumbly tummy can be embarrassing at times, there are many simple ways to improve your symptoms. Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team shares some helpful information about the digestive system and what you can do to benefit yours below, so keep reading! How Does the Gastrointestinal (GI) System Work? The gastrointestinal system runs from the mouth to the anus. When you eat or ...

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Why Is Mono Called the Kissing Disease?

March 15, 2022

You’ve likely heard mono (medically known as mononucleosis) referred to as the “kissing disease” before, but do you know why that is? Mono is most commonly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is transmitted through bodily fluids, such as saliva. So, when you “swap spit” with someone who has mono, you’ll likely be getting more than you asked for. Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team provides more helpful info on mono below ...

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What Are Breakthrough Infections?

March 1, 2022

Recently, the CDC has gone on record in saying that COVID-19 breakthrough infections are much more likely than they used to be. But, why? Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team provides some answers below, so read on! Why Do Breakthrough Infections Happen? Breakthrough infections—infections that happen when a person tests positive for COVID-19 at least two weeks after becoming fully vaccinated, including receiving a booster shot when eligible—are much more common with the ...

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What Causes Viral Activity to Get Worse in the Winter?

February 15, 2022

It’s no coincidence that people become sick more frequently in the winter. According to the CDC, the flu and other viruses are at their peak between December and February every year. But why is this the case? Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team has some helpful answers for you, so read on! What Causes Viral Infections to Increase in the Winter? One of the most prevalent causes for the rise in viral diseases is ...

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What Do I Need to Know About Croup?

February 3, 2022

When or if your kids get croup, it can be scary. While croup itself isn’t a very harmful infection, it sounds harmful, due to the eerie, barking cough that kids experience when they get this infection. Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team provides more info on croup below, so keep reading! What Is Croup? Croup is a respiratory infection that is most often caused by the parainfluenza virus. It causes upper respiratory inflammation and ...

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Will I Get Sicker If I Don’t Treat Strep Throat?

January 18, 2022

Strep throat is common during the winter, and it’s most common among children. Due to strep throat being spread by contact and airborne droplets, it often spread in schools. If your child gets sick with strep throat, though, antibiotics can ensure that your child will feel good as new in a few days. Failure to treat strep throat can result in concerning side effects, and our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team further explains why ...

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What Can I Do About a Flu-Related Fever at Home?

January 3, 2022

Fevers aren’t pleasant to experience, to say the least. Although they’re common with all viral infections, it doesn’t make them any less uncomfortable to deal with. Luckily, though, there are some things you can do at home to ease your fever and bring down your body temperature. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Gastonia share some further information about the flu and what you can do to break a ...

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The Biggest Fall Hazards in the Home

December 15, 2021

At home, falls happen too often. More than one in four people over the age of 65 will fall in a given year, and only half of those people tell someone when a fall happens. When a person falls once, it doubles his or her chances of a second fall. As you age, or if you have an elderly loved on in your home, it’s important to know and eliminate fall hazards. Our AFC ...

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Are Migraines and Sinus Headaches the Same Thing?

December 1, 2021

Oftentimes, migraines can be mistaken as sinus headaches. While both types of headaches are painful, one is a sign of an infection while the other isn’t. Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team provides helpful information on both types of headaches below, so keep reading! What Are Sinus Headaches? Sinus headaches are a common symptom of sinusitis, or a sinus infection. When a sinus infection occurs, the sinuses become clogged with fluid, which cause pressure ...

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