Can I Treat a Rash at Home?

June 15, 2021

No matter the cause of the rash, they can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable. While you can certainly seek medical care to take care of your or your child’s rash, there are some things you can do at home that can help treat it, too! Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team provides some additional helpful information on rashes. What Causes a Skin Rash? Skin rashes can be caused by many things ...

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How to Stop the Bleeding Caused by a Cut or Laceration

June 1, 2021

Have you recently sustained a cut or laceration that is causing lots of bleeding? If so, it can be quite scary and can require professional medical attention at times, but there are things that you can do to slow or even stop the bleeding before visiting the doctor. Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia highlights some basic first-aid tactics and home remedies below. Here’s what to do: Wash your hands first before interacting with the ...

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What Should I Know Before Getting an X-ray?

May 18, 2021

Not only are the events leading up to an X-ray often unpleasant, but getting an X-ray in and of itself can be a little nerve-wracking. So, what do need to know before getting an X-ray, and is anything required of you that will end up being inconvenient? Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team shares some helpful information about the X-ray process below, so read on! What Are X-rays? X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation ...

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What Is a Kidney Infection?

May 5, 2021

Kidney infections are rare, but they can be severe. About one in every 30 cases of a UTI will lead to a kidney infection, and they are more common among women than men; although, they can affect anyone at any age. What exactly are kidney infections, though? Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team has some answers, so read on. What Exactly Is a Kidney Infection? A kidney infection, or pyelonephritis, is a type of urinary ...

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What Does Pain in My Ear Mean?

April 15, 2021

It’s safe to say that you’re aware of how common earaches are among children, but that doesn’t mean that you’re exempt from ear pain! You don’t have to have an infection, or even anything wrong with your ears, to have ear pain. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Gastonia shares some helpful info on some common causes of ear pain. What’s Causing My Ear Pain? When ...

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How Necessary Are Sports Physicals?

April 1, 2021

Did you know? Before your child can begin playing a sport this spring, he or she will need a sports physical first! Our AFC Urgent Care Gastonia team explains why below, so keep reading! Why Is a Sports Physical Necessary? Sports physicals, or Pre-Participation Exams (PPEs), are important because they can help you find out about and deal with health problems that might interfere with your child’s participation in a sport. Plus, visiting your ...

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How Can I Make Sure to Not Get Strep Throat?

March 15, 2021

Strep throat is a very common virus. It is most common in the late fall and early spring and among children between the ages of 5 and 15, but adults can get it too. In fact, approximately 11,000 to 24,000 Americans fall ill to the infection every year. So, how can you avoid getting strep throat this year? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Gastonia has the answers you’re looking for, so ...

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Is Back Pain a Normal COVID-19 Symptom?

March 3, 2021

Symptoms and COVID-19 are not a consistent match. In fact, medical experts across the globe have stated that symptoms are different in almost every COVID-19 case. Now, back pain has been making its way into the conversation. Is back pain something that you should be watching out for? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Gastonia has some helpful answers. How Common Is Back Pain in COVID-19? According to a past study done ...

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Ways to Prevent UTIs

February 16, 2021

While UTIs (urinary tract infections) are most common among women, they affect thousands of men every year as well. UTIs are best treated by using antibiotics, but there are lots of ways to prevent these pesky infections without having to go back to the doctor. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Gastonia explains. Where to start: Drink plenty of water. This is the easiest and one of the best ways to prevent ...

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Is It Safe to Eat Out Right Now?

February 1, 2021

While the FDA has stated that it’s not proven that COVID-19 is carried through food, there is still a high risk involved in going out to eat. We definitely get that cooking can get tiring, but there are ways to enjoy your favorite restaurant without dining in! Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Gastonia further explains. Why Is Going Out to Eat Considered Unsafe? COVID-19 is much more easily transmitted indoors ...

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