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How Serious Are STDs?

July 14, 2023

Getting sick is just a part of life, and many of us expect to contract a few mild to moderate illnesses throughout the cycle of a regular year. What many of us don’t assume, however, is that we will contract an STD. Did you know that one in five Americans will experience an STD in any given year? Sexually transmitted diseases are actually really common, so you may wind up wondering if you should ...

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What Happens When You Get Bitten by a Tick?

July 6, 2023

The summer season not only brings warm and sunny days—it also brings out the creepy crawlies! Insect bites and stings are a common part of the summer season, and that includes encountering ticks from time to time. If you are outside minding your own business and discover a tick on your body, try not to panic! Many ticks are just a nuisance, but you should still focus on getting it off your skin as ...

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