Protecting Your Child from Ticks

March 29, 2024

by Olivia Miller | Mar 30, 2024 | Family Health Protecting Your Child from Ticks It’s that time of year again, time to get back outdoors and visit one of your favorite Gaston County parks. You aren’t sure which mood will strike once you’ve finished your picnic lunch, so your solution is to pack it all—your fishing pole, running sneakers, and your bike. People aren’t the only ones prepared for warmer weather ...

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How Do You Catch Measles?

March 12, 2024

by Olivia Miller | Mar 13, 2024 | Family Health How Do You Catch Measles? Measles is spread through direct contact with an infected person or through airborne droplets. Here are common methods of transmission: Sharing utensils or beverages Intimate interactions like kissing Physical greetings, including handshakes or hugs Contact with contaminated surfaces, followed by touching one’s face Additionally, pregnant women can transmit measles to their unborn child, during birth, or while breastfeeding. What is Measles ...

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