How Long Do Kidney Stones Last?

January 30, 2024

How Long Do Kidney Stones Last?

Understanding Kidney Stones: Formation, Symptoms, and Treatment

Kidney stones are a common and often painful condition that affects many individuals. Optimizing your knowledge about their formation, symptoms, and the latest treatment options can empower you to navigate this health challenge with confidence.

What Triggers Kidney Stone Formation?

Kidney stones, or renal calculi, form when certain waste products in urine do not dissolve properly, leading to an imbalance that causes crystals to develop. Over time, these crystals can grow into stones of varying sizes and compositions. Factors contributing to this imbalance include:

  • Dietary Choices: Consuming foods high in salt, sugar, and protein can increase the risk of stone formation.
  • Fluid Intake: Inadequate water consumption can lead to more concentrated urine, which may precipitate stone development.
  • Underlying Medical Conditions: Conditions like obesity and certain metabolic disorders are linked to a higher incidence of kidney stones.

What are the symptoms of a kidney stone?

Being vigilant about symptoms is critical for timely diagnosis and treatment. Common symptoms include:

  • Severe pain in the lower back or sides
  • Persistent stomach ache or pain that comes in waves
  • Blood in the urine, leading to pink, red, or brown discoloration
  • Nausea or vomiting, often accompanied by pain
  • Fever and chills, indicating a potential infection
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine

Treatment Options


Increasing water intake is a simple yet effective method to prevent and manage kidney stones, as it dilutes the urine and facilitates the passage of stones.

Pain Management

For pain relief, over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or naproxen can be helpful. In some cases, prescription medications may be needed to manage severe pain or facilitate the passage of the stone.

Medical Intervention

When stones are too large or cause complications, medical intervention may be necessary. Alpha Blockers are medications that relax the muscles in the ureter to help stones pass more easily.

How long will it take to pass?

The duration for passing kidney stones varies based on their size:

  • Stones under 4 mm: Typically pass within one to two weeks.
  • Stones over 4 mm: May take two to three weeks or longer.
  • Stones that reach the bladder: Usually pass within a few days.

When Should I Contact a Healthcare Provider?

If you suspect you have kidney stones or are experiencing severe symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical advice for personalized treatment. Please visit AFC Urgent Care Gastonia for prompt care with no appointment necessary.

In Gastonia, NC, kidney stones affect many residents annually. Recognizing symptoms like severe back pain and blood in the urine is crucial for prompt intervention. Stay hydrated and manage pain with over-the-counter medications. Duration varies based on factors like size, but our local AFC Urgent Care team is here to offer support and personalized information for a smoother experience with kidney stones in Gastonia.

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