Urgent Care vs Emergency Room: The Key Differences

February 3, 2023

What is an urgent care clinic? And how does it differ from the emergency room? When should you go to the emergency room, and when should you go to an urgent care center? Whatever questions you may have, AFC has the answers.    What Is An Urgent Care Clinic? Urgent care is the level of healthcare that lies between your primary care physician (PCP) and the emergency room. When you go to urgent care, you can ...

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How Much Sleep Do I Need?

April 30, 2021

Sleep is something people need in order to function at their best, as well as improve their health. Therefore, if people are not getting the sleep they need, their health and productivity can suffer. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants to share some insight into the symptoms of sleep deprivation, as well as ways you can establish a better routine for sleep. How Much Sleep Should I Be Getting Each Night? The amount ...

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How Does Your Body Feel When Stressed?

April 30, 2021

Think stress only affects your mood? Think again! Stress, especially chronic stress, can take a toll on your overall health if you're not careful. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants to provide you with insight on how to better manage your stress so that your heath doesn't suffer. What Does Stress Do to Your Body? When you start to feel stressed, your heart can start pounding fast and your muscles tighten ...

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What Are the Early Signs of Pneumonia?

April 30, 2021

Pneumonia is one of those medical conditions that we hear of often, but don't necessarily know much about. In order to avoid spreading the condition to others and to be able to recover from pneumonia as soon as possible, our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale want you to be able to recognize the early signs of pneumonia, as well as how you can treat the condition as soon as possible! Read on as ...

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What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Sinus Infection?

April 30, 2021

If you've ever had a sinus infection, you may be familiar with the pulsating pain and discomfort. And you probably know that you don't want to experience one during the holiday season! That's why our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale is sharing some insight about the condition, including symptoms to watch for. Is It a Cold or a Sinus Infection? It can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between a ...

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What Is My Risk of Skin Cancer?

April 30, 2021

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Fortunately, it is also one of the most curable if caught early. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants to offer you tips on how you can take steps to reduce your risk of skin cancer in your lifetime. Who Gets Skin Cancer? While men are more likely to be diagnosed with ...

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How Does a Flu Shot Help Improve Your Immunity Against the Flu?

April 30, 2021

Now that October has rolled around, there is probably one word you are hearing a lot more in daily conversation—flu! However, the flu doesn't have to be a part to your fall and winter season. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants you to know how you can take action against the flu, as well as treatment options that are available should the flu virus arrive. What Steps Can You Take to ...

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How Do You Prevent Bug Bites?

April 30, 2021

It is the season we have all been waiting for! As soon as the temperatures warmed up, it was time for us to finally make our way outside. However, how many of you are already suffering from a number of bug bites as a result? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants to offer you tips on how you can both prevent and treat bug bites this summer. How Do You Prevent Summer Bug ...

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What Causes Fall Allergies?

April 30, 2021

With the summer season coming to an end, we should be free from allergy symptoms until 2020, right? Wrong! Unfortunately, fall allergy season is here. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants you to know the signs to look for when it comes to fall allergies, as well as how you can reduce symptoms as soon as possible. Why Do My Allergies Get Worse in the Fall? Although most people might think a spike ...

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Can Certain Foods Help Cure the Common Cold?

April 29, 2021

There is too much fun in the coming months to be down and out with the common cold! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants you to know how to take action against the common cold virus as soon as symptoms appear. Read on as we offer some insight. What Is the First Sign of a Cold? Usually a common cold virus begins with a sore throat and, then, can ease into other common ...

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