Am I Experiencing Diabetes?

April 29, 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that there are more than 100 million Americans living with diabetes or prediabetes. Are you one of them? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants you to know how to better manage diabetes, as well as signs to look for if you are pregnant and at risk for gestational diabetes. Can Prediabetes Be Reversed? The short answer? Yes! If you are diagnosed with having elevated blood ...

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Am I at Risk for Bladder Problems?

April 29, 2021

Often, we don't really think about our bladder until it is giving us a sign it is time to use the restroom. However, during Bladder Health Month this November, our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants to teach you a little bit more about the bladder and how you can keep it healthy for years to come! Who Experiences Bladder Issues? A bladder issue can happen to anyone at any time. However, it ...

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How Can I Take the Best Possible Care of Myself This Year?

April 29, 2021

It's a new year, which means it is time to finally start on those resolutions you have been putting off until 2020 arrived. 2020 is here, and it's time for you to begin working on becoming the best possible version of yourself this year. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants to offer some tips on how to do just that. Why Is Self-Care So Important? There are so many times where ...

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How Can You Stay Safe From Summer Injuries?

April 29, 2021

The summer season was meant to be a filled with fun and enjoyment. However, it's also full of health hazards and the potential for injury, since we're spending much more time outdoors. That's why our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants to talk to you about a couple common health hazards and how you can protect yourself and your family this summer. Are Lawn Mower Accidents Common? The short answer? Yes ...

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How Can I Start Getting My Child Ready to Go Back to School?

April 28, 2021

While we still have a few weeks left of summer, now's a good time to start preparing for a new back-to-school routine. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants to help you get your family ready for a new school year this September, starting by establishing a morning routine. Why Do Kids Need a Morning Routine? Well, for the same reasons adults do! Routines help our minds and bodies know what to expect ...

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Is Cold Weather Bad for You?

April 27, 2021's cold out there! Cold temperatures are here to stay, but what does it mean for your health? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants you to know the effects that cold weather can play on our health, as well as ways to stay safe this time of year. Read on as we offer some perspective. Is Cold Weather Good for Your Health? The cold weather forces our bodies to work hard ...

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How Bad Is Smoking for My Health?

April 27, 2021

The short answer? Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death. But whether you've been smoking for a while or just started, you can reap the health benefits of quitting. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Hartsdale wants to share some insight into the dangers of smoking and how to quit. How Harmful Is Smoking? When you think of smoking, you may think of breathing issues and lung cancer. But those aren't ...

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