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AFC Haverhill MA Medical FAQs

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(978) 203-3689

Medical FAQs

Get your medial questions answered at AFC Urgent Care Haverhill

At AFC Urgent Care Haverhill, we want to ensure that all of our patients are up-to-date on the services we provide, common medical conditions, and how they should approach treatment.

Finding timely medical care can be extremely difficult without first making an appointment at the doctors office. Additionally, it can be hard to determine when you exactly need to get immediate medical treatment. Our medical frequently asked questions (faqs) are designed to help you learn more about the medical treatments you need ASAP.

Seasonal allergies, DOT physicals, travel vaccinations, walk-in clinic services, and STD testing are just a few services that patients may need to visit AFC Haverhill for. However, we want to make sure you are prepared for any of these medical services before you visit.

AFC Urgent Care Haverhill is a full-service walk-in clinic and urgent care center located at 450 Paradise Road in Haverhill, MA. Our clinic is equipped with board-certified physicians, nurse practitioners, and medical assistants to help you get treatment as soon as possible.

Below is a list of common urgent care services, treatment options, and basic information to help you stay informed on the best pathway to care. If you have additional questions, please use the button below to call us directly.

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Call (978) 203-3689 for more information about our Haverhill MA urgent care services.