Is My Pain Related to Sciatica?

September 15, 2022

Back pain can originate from a variety of sources, but when you have sciatica, it’s an entirely different kind of pain. It’s usually a burning, shooting pain that radiates down your back and into one of your legs. It can be debilitating and can feel like an electric shock every time you move. The good news is that most cases of sciatica will go away on their own, even if it is really ...

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Does AFC Offer STD Testing?

September 1, 2022

If you suspect that you have an STD, getting tested and treated quickly should be on the forefront of your mind. STDs are incredibly common, and we offer testing right in our clinic. Our staff understands that your sexual health affects your overall physical health, so we aim to make the STD testing process easy and efficient. It is important to get tested quickly to prevent a more serious infection from developing. Learn more about ...

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