Do I have Psoriasis?

April 13, 2024

by  | Apr 13, 2024 | Family Health

Do I have Psoriasis?

Are you grappling with that irritating itch and irksome skin that’s putting a damper on your day? It’s not just about feeling uncomfortable; it can really cramp your style, especially when you’ve got summer adventures planned. But before you resign yourself to feeling miserable, let’s figure out if it’s psoriasis or eczema causing the chaos.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is like a rebel within your immune system, prompting it to release inflammatory markers that make your skin cells grow and shed way too fast—like every 7 days instead of the normal 21. The result? Thick, scaly, and painful patches of skin that just won’t quit. It usually shows up between the ages of 15 and 35, though it’s not unheard of for it to rear its head later in life. Psoriasis isn’t just a skin thing; it’s a chronic immune disease linked to other conditions like Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and depression. Plus, it’s often a family affair, with genetics, environment, and certain medications all playing a role.

Symptoms of Psoriasis:

  • Red plaques with silvery scales (on lighter skin) or purplish, discolored skin (on darker skin).
  • Commonly pops up on elbows, kneecaps, upper buttocks, fingernails, hands, and the scalp, but it can pretty much take over your whole body.
  • Skin is more inflamed compared to eczema.
  • You might experience itchiness.

What is Eczema?

Eczema is like the drama queen of skin conditions, causing all sorts of rash-like appearances and making your skin itch like crazy. Your skin’s normally a champ at keeping stuff out, but in eczema, it gets overwhelmed by inflammation and breaks down, leaving you with red, weepy, and itchy skin. There are seven types of eczema, with the most common, atopic dermatitis, often showing up in babies and children alongside hay fever and asthma. Fun fact: eczema affects millions of kids and adults, making it four times more common than psoriasis.

Symptoms of Eczema:

  • Dry patches, bumps, or fluid-filled blisters.
  • Lighter skin tones may see red, bumpy skin with less defined borders compared to psoriasis, while darker skin tones might experience patches of darker brown, grey, or purple with swelling and dryness.
  • Known as “the itch that rashes” because of its intense itchiness.
  • If treatment makes your rash worse or more defined, you might be dealing with psoriasis instead.

Spotting the Differences

The biggie when it comes to psoriasis versus eczema is what’s causing the chaos. Psoriasis is all about your immune system going into overdrive, while eczema’s a bit trickier, involving a mix of environmental and genetic factors. Both can leave you feeling itchy and uncomfortable, but eczema’s more about dry skin and intense itching, while psoriasis leans towards burning or stinging sensations (if it itches at all). And where they show up on your body can offer clues: eczema loves those bendy parts, while psoriasis prefers the outside.

Treatment Tips

Good news: treatments for psoriasis and eczema overlap, so you’ve got options like over-the-counter medicines, prescribed topicals, light therapy, biologics, and oral meds for severe cases. Plus, there are steps you can take to keep flare-ups in check, like moisturizing, using gentle soaps, avoiding triggers, protecting your skin from the sun, and managing stress.

Got an itch that’s more than skin deep? It’s always a good idea to chat with a doctor to rule out other conditions and get the right treatment plan in place. Visit AFC Urgent Care Hickory today or walk in our clinic any day of the week for all of your health needs.

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