Why Do I Feel a Burning Sensation in My Lungs?

March 7, 2024

Feeling a burning sensation in your chest or lungs can be quite alarming, especially when you're having trouble breathing or dealing with a persistent cough. Although intense workouts or exposure to cold air might be the issue at times, it's crucial to realize that it could also indicate a treatable condition, such as bronchitis.

Figuring out why your lungs are burning and recognizing the signs of bronchitis is important for getting back on track fast. If you've been feeling the burn for a while or things are getting worse, it's time to put your health first. Schedule an appointment at AFC Urgent Care Hillsboro today, or simply walk in any day of the week for a comprehensive assessment and caring treatment.

What Causes Burning in Lungs? 

Our lungs, important for breathing, have sensitive tissues that can easily get irritated. This irritation can cause a burning feeling due to different respiratory issues.

Each year, close to 8 million emergency room visits are prompted by chest pain, burning, and other discomforting sensations. However, only a small fraction of these cases pose a genuine life-threatening risk. Most often, the underlying cause is unrelated to the heart, with issues such as heartburn, asthma, or ulcers.

Do I Have Bronchitis? 

Bronchitis is a common respiratory issue where the tubes carrying air to your lungs, known as bronchial tubes, get inflamed. It usually kicks in after a bout of the flu, a nasty cold, or exposure to irritants like tobacco smoke or air pollution. The telltale signs include a dry cough, feeling like you're breathing through a straw, some tiredness, and a touch of chest discomfort. You may notice mucus entering your airways, adding to the cough and maybe some wheezing.

Common Bronchitis Symptoms 

Persistent Dry Cough 

The hallmark sign of bronchitis is a persistent, hacking cough that may produce minimal or no mucus. This bothersome cough can last for weeks, often worsening at night.

Difficulty Breathing

Bronchitis can impede the normal flow of air through the respiratory passages, causing a sensation of breathlessness. Individuals may feel short of breath, even during periods of rest.

Fatigue and General Unwellness 

Beyond respiratory symptoms, bronchitis often induces a pervasive sense of fatigue and overall unwellness. Lethargy, weakness, and body aches contribute to the discomfort associated with the condition.

Low-Grade Fever 

A subtle elevation in body temperature, typically ranging around 100-101°F, is a common accompaniment to bronchitis, reflecting the body's response to infection and inflammation.

Chest Pain and Wheezing 

Discomfort in the chest is another characteristic feature of bronchitis. Individuals may experience aching or tightness, and audible wheezing may occur due to narrowed airways.

Understanding these symptoms is crucial for distinguishing bronchitis from other respiratory conditions. While viral infections are often the culprits, bacterial infections or irritants can also contribute. Early diagnosis and management are key to alleviating symptoms and preventing complications.

How can I manage bronchitis at home? 

While seeking medical advice is crucial, several home remedies can assist in alleviating the burning sensation and other symptoms associated with bronchitis:

  • Stay Hydrated: Consume ample fluids, especially water, to thin mucus and maintain airway lubrication.
  • Nourish Your Body: Adopt a healthy diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to bolster your immune system.
  • Soothe Your Throat: Gargle with warm salt water to alleviate a sore throat and potentially ease the burning sensation.
  • Rest and Recuperate: Prioritize ample rest to allow your body to heal effectively.
  • Moisturize the Air: Employ a cool-mist humidifier to introduce moisture into the air, facilitating easier breathing.

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