Providence insurance now in-network for all urgent care visits!

All clinics open 7- days a week

AFC Hillsboro Insurance & Pricing

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Pricing & Insurance

Insured Patients

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Patients should familiarize themselves with their individual coverage. While we accept all of the insurers below, most insurers offer multiple coverage levels. If unfamiliar with your coverage level, we recommend calling your insurance company. Insurance contact phone numbers are often listed on the insurance card.

  • We are in-network for most Oregon insurers.
  • You pay co-pay or co-insurance at the time of visit.
  • We file directly with your insurance company.
  • After your insurance processes the claim, we bill you only if there is a balance.

In-Network Insurance Providers

Aetna Anthem Blue Cross Beech Street Blue Cross (all plans) Blue Shield (all plans)
Blue Shield of California CareOregon Cigna Coventry First Choice Health
First Health HealthNet Health Share (all plans) HMA Lifewise
Majoris (MCO) Medicare Moda (Beacon or Conexus or Synergy) Multiplan ODS Health Plan
OTAK Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Pacificare PacificSource (most plans) PHTECH
Premera Providence Railroad Medicare Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield SAIF
Tricare Tufts UMR United Healthcare (UHC) Washington Labor & Industries
Community Health Plan of WA Coordinated Care of WA Washington Medicaid Molina Wellpoint

For primary care, please call ahead

*Call ahead to verify the primary care provider being seen accepts your insurance.

Costs for Immigration Physical Examinations

Adult/Children (ages 2 and up) $575
Infant (under 2) $275
TDAP $100
MMR $150
HEP A $150
HEP B (each injection) $150
Meningococcal $200
Varicella $215
Injection Fee $28
Cert. Medical Translation Services $175
Flu (October 1 - March 30) $45

Self-Pay Patients (Patients without Insurance Only)

Transparent fees, you approve additional treatment and cost.
Payment is required at time of service.
Our self-pay pricing reflects heavy discounts (20% or more) from standard prices. The prices below include the discounts.
We accept cash, debit and credit cards.

Physicians Visits (Self-Pay Price Only)

TeleMedicine $95
Office Visits $175
Follow Up Visits - Urgent care (within 10 days for same symptoms) $88
DOT Physical $125
Sports Physical (kids only) $50
Travel $149

Lab Tests

CorDx $45
COVID-19 Molecular Test (PCR) $179
COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test $50
COVID-19 Antibody Test $139
CBC $40
CMP $60
Finger Glucose $20
Flu Test $45
Mono Test $20
Pregnancy $20
Strep $45
Urinalysis $45

Common Add-On Procedures

Abscess Drainage (simple) $171
Abscess Drainage (complex) $294
Burn Dressing (simple) $108
Burn Dressing (complex) $195
Ear Lavage (wax removal) $92
EKG $77
IV Hydration (1st hour) $178
Laceration Repair (most common) $229
Laceration Repair/dermabond $65
Spirometry test $89
Respiratory treatment $50
Peak Flow Test $62

Digital X-Ray

Ankle $80
Chest $90
Knee $90
Lumbar $90
Shoulder $70
Wrist $82

Quick Non-Physician Visit

Drug Screen (DOT and non-DOT) $85
Flu Vaccine $45
Hep B Vaccine (per shot) $150
TB/PPD Test $35
Tetanus Booster (adult) $100
AFC Urgent Care Logo Adhesive Bandage

Don't wait to get the medical attention you need.

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