How to Spot General Illness

September 10, 2018

" Cold and flu season is quickly approaching which leaves many people worried about getting sick. Prevention is the best medicine in terms of many illnesses, but sometimes you just can’t avoid it. Knowledge for general illness There are many generalized illnesses that people may suffer from but knowing how to spot them early is the key to getting quick and effective treatment. Let’s take a look at some of the most common general ...

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Back to School Sanitation Techniques

September 10, 2018

" Back to school time brings many worries for parents and children alike, but what if one of those worries was about the sanitation in schools? Sanitation techniques in schools often take years to improve, but in low-income areas, the improvements need to be happening now. Poor sanitation can come in many forms and children who have never known any different may not realize how unsanitary the conditions truly are. Conditions that can be unsanitary In ...

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