What are the Main Causes of Migraines?

December 15, 2021

The definitive cause of migraines remains a mystery, but in general, scientists believe that activities in the brain could play a role. Specifically, temporary, abnormal changes in brain activity linked to chemicals, nerve signals, and blood vessels are attributed to causing migraines. What is it that causes the change in brain activity? That, too, is unknown. What’s known are some of the triggers that can contribute to the development of a migraine, which differs ...

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Am I Allergic to Bee Stings?

December 15, 2021

A bee sting can be unpleasant, and in many instances, the sting will leave you with pain and swelling at the site that goes away in a few hours. For others, a bee sting triggers an allergic reaction that can be serious or, worse, life-threatening. If you’ve never been stung by a bee before, you may have no idea that you are allergic to its sting. After a bee sting, the reaction that follows ...

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Prevent Food Poisoning this Summer

December 15, 2021

When you think of summer, you may also think of outdoor picnics or barbecues with family and friends on warm weekends. Growing up, you never really think of the harmful effects that can come with food safety. This summer, make food safety your priority when it comes to all of these gatherings. Keep your friends and family safe and healthy from any foodborne illnesses. AFC Urgent Care Hillsdale wants to help make your health your ...

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Reasons to Get your Flu Shot During COVID

December 15, 2021

Receiving your annual flu shot is important no matter what. Not only will it help keep you healthy, but it can keep others safe around you. A flu show is even more crucial, with COVID-19 and the Delta variant at the top of everyone’s minds. Patients should also receive their COVID vaccine to help keep hospitalizations down and patients safe. Learn more about the various reasons to receive your flu shot during COVID. Receive ...

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Can I get tested for the Delta Variant?

December 15, 2021

The Delta variant is more contagious and more deadly than other strains of COVID. People all over the country are contracting the variant despite their vaccination status. If you are experiencing symptoms and then test positive, there is a strong likelihood that you have the Delta variant. Visit AFC Urgent Care Hillsdale for COVID-19 testing today, and receive your vaccine.  Testing for the Delta Variant The tests used to tell if you have COVID-19 will ...

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How to Encourage Healthy Eating in Children

December 15, 2021

It seems like everywhere you look, another junk food or sugary snack is being advertised to children. Kids love these flavorful snacks, so how can parents encourage healthy eating instead? If you’ve got a child, you know just how difficult meal- and snack-times can be as you try to find healthy foods for sometimes picky eaters. To make things a bit easier for you, we’ve gathered some great tips to encourage healthy eating ...

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What are Seasonal Injury Risks?

December 15, 2021

With changing seasons come new activities, sports, and chores – and many potentially related injuries. Winter can be a challenging season for injury risk. Luckily, knowing what the risks are can help you avoid them and prevent injury. Here’s what you need to know about seasonal injury risks and how to stay safe this winter. Visit AFC Hillsdale this season for any urgent injury need. Our providers can recommend the best form of treatment and ...

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Halloween Safety Tips for Adults

December 15, 2021

When Halloween comes around at the end of October, many adults are focused on keeping their children safe. However, there is a lot more to Halloween safety than ensuring your child returns home safe at the end of the evening. Suppose you are a homeowner passing out candy, playing a supervisory role while trick-or-treating, or simply finding yourself out and about on Halloween night. In that case, the following tips are essential to know. AFC ...

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Are Ear Infections Bacterial or Viral?

December 15, 2021

Ear infections are common ailments in many children and some adults. While it is ideal to prevent ear infections from occurring, you must first know what causes them. Should you find yourself unable to prevent infection completely, the best steps for treatment can be beneficial to your recovery. Bacterial and viral ear infections are both similar and different in a few regards. Visit AFC Urgent Care Hillsdale for treatment of an ear infection. Our providers ...

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Why Do Patients Visit AFC Urgent Care During the Holidays?

December 14, 2021

The holidays are usually filled with happiness and positive memories. Families gather together to reunite, enjoy delicious meals, make new and lasting memories, and relax. However, this is also the time that urgent cares tend to see an uptick in patients. With the holidays, life can become more hectic, and the weather change typically brings less than ideal conditions that you have to be mindful of to ensure your safety and that of others. People ...

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