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Why Is Tobacco Smoke Bad For You?

August 16, 2023

Your lungs have the important job of breathing in oxygen and transporting that fresh air throughout your entire body. Each inhale is important to your health and well-being! If you inhale something other than oxygen into your lungs, it can have a directly negative impact on your organs and your overall health. Tobacco smoke is a compound that is incredibly irritating to your body and will increase your risk of certain diseases and physical changes ...

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What Diagnoses Does the Lab at AFC Urgent Care Hixson Provide?

August 3, 2023

There are so many ways to get sick or be out of balance somewhere in your body. Our bodies are incredibly complex and any sort of deviation or trouble with one of our systems can lead to unpleasant symptoms or generally feeling unwell. Since there is so much going on in your body at any given time, it can be hard to pinpoint a diagnosis on your own at home! Thankfully, we are here seven ...

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