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What SPF Should I Look for When Picking a Sunscreen?

July 15, 2020

Aside from staying out of the sun altogether, picking and using an SPF when you go outside is one of the best defenses for keeping your skin safe from sun exposure. Even just a few sunburns can significantly increase your chances of developing skin cancer as you age, but fortunately, prevention is a great tool to keep yourself safe. To help you understand what is important to look for when choosing a sunscreen, your AFC ...

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How Do I Know if My Rash Is Poison Ivy?

July 1, 2020

If you have developed a rash, there are many reasons why it may have occurred. Rashes are common symptoms of skin irritation or allergic reactions, but rashes that are related to poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac are generally more uncomfortable than these other ailments. These plants are present all over the United States and can often blend in with other foliage, so you can easily miss them if you are not careful. If ...

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