Most Common Bites and Stings in the Southeast

May 29, 2024

by Julianna Atchley | May 30, 2024 | Uncategorized Most Common Bites and Stings in the Southeast Getting stung by any insect can be an unexpected and uncomfortable experience. Whether it’s a bee, wasp, or another stinging creature, the pain and swelling that follows can be distressing. However, with the right precautions and swift action, the sting’s effects can be managed effectively. Indian Trail’s lush landscapes and outdoor amenities might invite encounters with such ...

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Is Norovirus Dangerous?

May 22, 2024

by Julianna Atchley | Apr 28, 2024 | Walk In Clinic Is Norovirus Dangerous? As you head out for the annual family picnic, you do a quick assessment making sure you have what you need, including a cooler and plenty of ice. Last summer, half the extended family got sick for a few days after the picnic. Suspicions ran high about what and whose food may have caused it. Several relatives even began pointing fingers. Though the ...

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10 Most Common Springtime Injuries

May 13, 2024

by Julianna Atchley | May 13, 2024 | Family Health 10 Most Common Springtime Injuries Summer is the perfect opportunity to use that pent-up winter energy and play hard! Some grab a racket, others a ball, and still others grab a pair of skates. One thing is certain, no one wants to spend the delightful summer months on the sidelines recouping from an injury. 1. Ankle Sprains Whether you are an athlete or not, an ankle sprain ...

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