Kearny, NJ Sports/School Physicals at AFC Urgent Care
Get a Physical Without the Wait
School, sports and camp physicals are often required to ensure participants are in good health. They’re usually simple exams that assess a patient’s overall health and wellness, but they often need to be booked well in advance. If you’re in need of a sports, school, or camp physical and are having trouble getting into your doctor’s office anytime soon, why not visit AFC Kearny? You’re welcome to make an appointment, or you can just walk in anytime. We strive to keep wait times to a minimum, so you can get the physical you need and get on with your day.
Save Your Spot
What happens during a sport or school physical?
During a school or sports physical, the provider will go over your detailed medical history. The medical history section usually involves questions like:
- Serious illnesses among family members
- Any illnesses that the child has been diagnosed with at a younger age (asthma, diabetes, etc)
- Previous hospitalizations or surgeries
- Past injuries
- If your child has ever passed out, had chest pain, felt dizzy, or trouble breathing during exercise
- Any current medications
Providing this information may possibly be the most important part of the exam, so be sure to be thorough and honest. Take your time answering these questions and ensure your child is engaged so they are aware of their medical history.
School physicals are non-invasive and straightforward. The provider will:
- Record weight and height
- Check vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure, etc.)
- Test your child's vision and hearing
- Check heart, lungs, abdomen, ears, nose, and throat
- Evaluate your child's posture, joints, strength, and flexibility
We will let you know if anything is a cause for concern or requires further evaluation throughout the screening. It is always the goal of AFC Kearny to make our medical exams as pleasant and relaxed as possible. The more comfortable your child is, the smoother the process will be.