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How To Quickly Rehydrate Your Body

July 24, 2023

If you’ve ever been dehydrated, you know the fatigue, dry mouth, and dizziness that follows is a debilitating experience. Whether we’ve become dehydrated from intense physical activity, exposure to hot weather, or just a lack of water throughout the day, it’s important to know how to hydrate quickly. Dehydration can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to replenish lost fluids. In this ...

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Do I Have a Hormone Imbalance?

July 24, 2023

As we go through life, our bodies undergo several changes. One significant factor that plays a crucial role in regulating these changes is hormones. Hormones are chemicals that act as messengers to control various bodily functions– from metabolism and reproduction to mood and development. However, when there’s a hormonal imbalance, it can lead to a range of health issues and disrupt our overall well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore the signs and symptoms ...

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Hand Foot and Mouth Disease: What It Looks Like for Adults & Kids

July 2, 2023

What does hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) look like? The symptoms can look different for kids and adults. See what the symptoms can be and how to treat them. What is Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease? HFMD is a common viral illness caused by the enterovirus, most commonly the coxsackievirus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the disease primarily affects children under 5, but anyone, including adults, can contract it. It’s typically a mild illness. The disease ...

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