Back-to-School Health Tips

August 23, 2022

Back-to-school time can be exciting for your kids but hectic for a parent. Getting used to everyone's new schedules and ensuring they have everything they need is important for your child's success. Sickness is common for school-age children, as they're in close quarters with other kids all day. As a parent, there are certain precautions you can take to help keep your child healthy and successful all school year.

AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl provides a variety of services for children as they prepare for back to school. We provide school and sports physicals, we administer flu shots, and we provide illness diagnosis and injury treatment. Visit our walk-in center any day of the week when you or your child need care.


Receive Necessary Vaccines

Vaccines offer so many benefits to both children and adults. They're necessary to help keep your child, their classmates, and their teachers healthy. Many deadly conditions have been prevented and nearly eradicated with the use of vaccines. Check with your child's doctor to see what vaccines are recommended for their age. Certain school districts also require some vaccines to attend the school year.

It may be a good idea for your child to receive their flu shot early in the school year as well. This will allow for proper protection if influenza strikes your child's school. The COVID-19 vaccine is also available for children beginning at age 12.


Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Sleep is important for anyone to live a healthy life. As your child's brain develops, getting enough sleep is the best way for them to recover from their day. Setting a strict bedtime can ensure your child will be well-rested for their early day and have enough focus and energy to pay attention in class and run at recess.

The optimal amount of sleep recommended for your child will depend on their age. While it's recommended for adults to receive between 7-8 hours, it's recommended for children to receive:

  • 10-13 hours for pre-school age children
  • 9-11 hours for school-age children
  • 8-10 hours for teenagers

Try getting your child into a proper sleep routine, such as putting away electronic devices at least two hours before bed. A warm bath and a book at bedtime are good things to incorporate to help prepare your child for sleep.


Maintain Good Hygiene

Depending on your child's age, it is a good idea to teach them proper hand washing techniques. Germs are everywhere at school. It's important your child knows to wash their hands after using the restroom, before eating any snacks or lunch, and after recess.

Additionally, teach your child not to share any hats, combs, brushes, or hair accessories. Lice are very common in school-age children. Check their head and hair frequently and be aware of the signs of lice.


Eat a Healthy Diet

While we know it can be very hectic on school mornings with multiple children, having a little something for breakfast can set your child up for success. On-the-go breakfasts such as yogurt, breakfast sandwiches, or toast can be easy to integrate into your morning routine.

For lunch, stock your child up on fruits and vegetables and try to stay away from processed foods. Certain foods like baby carrots, apple slices, grapes, or melon can all be prepared ahead of time and grabbed in the morning.

After-school snacks are also a good thing to have on hand ahead of time. After school, your child has worked up an appetite, and it may be easy to go for junk food. Having healthy snack options at all times is great for your child's overall health and development.


Learn How to Cope with Stress

Back-to-school time may be stressful for your child, no matter what grade they're entering. Learning how to properly manage stress not only sets them up for a successful future but can also prevent insomnia, weakened immune systems, and chronic conditions.

Take the time to encourage your child to come to you with any problems. Look for signs they are stressed out and avoid over-scheduling their free time. Go for walks as a family, encourage them to draw or color, or play catch outside with them. Teaching them healthy ways to manage stress will set them up for success in the future.

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