How is Monkeypox Transmitted?

August 23, 2022

It’s possible for monkeypox to spread in a few different ways. The most common way is through close or intimate contact. It’s important for everyone to know the early signs of monkeypox and to avoid close contact with anyone thereafter. Scientists are still learning information about monkeypox, but there are a few constants we know to be true.

AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl is here to help patients with symptoms of monkeypox. If you think you have been near someone with monkeypox or have begun showing signs, call our center to determine the best next steps to take. If you visit any medical office, be sure to wear a mask. Monkeypox can spread through the air, so you would put others at risk of contracting it without one. Call us now for more information at 720-818-8010.


Close or Intimate Contact

The most common way people have been contracting monkeypox is through skin-to-skin or close contact. Anyone can become infected with monkeypox, no matter their age, gender, or sexual identity. Close contact can include:

  • Direct contact with the monkeypox rash, scab, or the bodily fluids of an infected person
  • Touching objects, fabrics, or surfaces that have been touched by someone with monkeypox (including clothing, bedding, or towels)
  • Fluid from someone coughing or sneezing.

Direct contact can also happen during intimacy. This may include:

  • Oral, anal, and vaginal sex with someone infected with monkeypox
  • Hugging, massaging, or kissing
  • Face-to-face contact for a prolonged period

It’s possible for someone infected with monkeypox to spread it at any time. From the time symptoms begin to when the rash has fully healed, and new skin has formed. This can last anywhere from two to four weeks.



It’s possible for a pregnant person to spread monkeypox to the fetus through the placenta. Scientists are still researching what effect this will have on an unborn or newborn child.


Infected Animals

Lastly, it’s possible for monkeypox to spread to humans from infected animals. This can include being scratched or bitten by an infected animal, as well as preparing or eating meat and using products from an infected animal.


Symptoms of Monkeypox

The most certain way to know if you have monkeypox is with a rash. The rash will resemble pimples or blisters and will eventually scab over, and new skin will grow as it heals. Patients may experience additional symptoms along with the rash. That can include fever, chills, fatigue, muscle aches, and respiratory symptoms. 

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