Is it a Cold or the Flu? The Difference Explained

October 12, 2022

As winter creeps closer and closer, some people may be expecting their health to decline. During the colder months, the dry air allows viruses to spread at higher rates. Two common, winter illnesses that are experienced by millions of people each year are the common cold and influenza.

Whenever you’re feeling unwell, visit AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl. The walk-in clinic offers treatment for many different general illnesses, including colds and flu. With on-site labs, our medical providers can accurately diagnose your symptoms and plan proper treatment to alleviate your illness. Continue reading to better understand the differences between colds and flu, and visit our walk-in clinic to support your health this fall and winter.

The Common Cold Symptoms

The common cold affects many families each year, and may leave patients feeling unwell for weeks. Colds are caused by viruses that can spread from person to person through the air and close contact. Symptoms of colds can sometimes be mistaken for the flu. One way to differentiate between the illnesses is by how quickly the symptoms start to become noticeable. In most cases, colds have a gradual onset. This means your symptoms may start minimal and worsen over time.

Symptoms of a cold typically include:

  • Sneezing
  • Stuffy / Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Coughing
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Watery eyes
  • Mild headache
  • Mild tiredness

How Colds Are Treated

Colds are caused by viruses, which means they cannot be treated by antibiotics. By visiting AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl, a medical provider can determine if you have a cold by asking about symptoms you are experiencing and potentially running lab tests. There is no vaccine available to prevent a cold, but there are a few at-home remedies and medical treatment options that can help alleviate your symptoms.

If you have a cold, make sure you are getting a lot of rest and drinking plenty of fluids. Visiting the walk-in clinic at AFC Ken Caryl is a great resource to have your illness diagnosed and discuss how you can get back to feeling better fast.

Influenza Symptoms

During the fall and winter months, cases of influenza increasingly rise in our communities. The flu can also affect people of all ages, and the symptoms may seem similar to a cold. However, flu symptoms feel much more severe and can become more noticeable than a cold.

Symptoms of the flu typically include:

  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny / Stuffy nose
  • Body aches or chills
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness

How the Flu is Treated

To avoid symptoms altogether, it’s important that you get your flu shot as early as possible. The flu vaccine is the most effective way to avoid the illness and protect those around you. Bring your whole family into AFC Ken Caryl to get your flu shots today. The flu is also caused by a virus, so antibiotics cannot relieve your symptoms if you’ve already begun to feel unwell.

Usually, flu symptoms may pass with rest and fluids. However, some people are in high-risk groups for flu-related complications. These people include children, elderly, and those with weakened immune symptoms or chronic health conditions.

If you’re in one of these groups and believe you have the flu, it’s important to seek professional care. At AFC Urgent Care Ken Caryl, our team of medical providers can help diagnose your symptoms and plan treatment. If you have any additional questions about distinguishing colds and flu, call us directly at (720) 818-8010.

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