What Bug Bites Are Common in the Knoxville Area?

July 16, 2023

There’s a lot to love about living in the Knoxville area! All of the family-friendly attractions, warm sunny days and friendly neighbors make this part of eastern Tennessee a great place to live. One thing that is annoying about the South, though, is all of the bugs! The summer time is certainly the time of year when all of the bugs and other creepy crawlies come out. While most of the bugs around us ...

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Should I Be Tested Regularly for STDs?

July 1, 2023

Your overall health should always be a top priority in your life—and that includes your sexual health. Sexually transmitted diseases are one of the most common conditions across the state and country. In fact, one in five people will contract one in any given year. If you are sexually active, you should be getting tested for STDs regularly as part of your preventive care routine. This not only protects you, but it also protects ...

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