Does Having a Runny Nose Mean I'm Sick?

December 1, 2023

During the winter months, illnesses are more common. This is mainly due to the fact that we are spending more time indoors with close contact with others, which makes illnesses spread like wildfire. If you have a runny nose, it could be indicative of an illness. Learn more about what causes a runny nose and when to seek medical treatment. Visit AFC Urgent Care Lakewood for same-day illness diagnosis and treatment on a walk-in basis.

What Causes a Runny Nose?

Having a runny nose can be an uncomfortable and irritating symptom. Our noses naturally produce mucus within our sinuses to help catch debris and germs before they reach our respiratory system. This natural defense mechanism starts with your nose. Having a runny nose occurs in response to your sinuses trapping debris or experiencing irritation. This can be due to exposure to cold and dry air in the winter, allergens, and other harmless irritants.

Having a runny nose is also often a symptom of an illness. This is because your body is trying to flush our and defend itself by creating extra mucus in hopes that it will be able to wash away the infection. A runny nose is often an early symptom of a viral infection, such as the common cold or the flu.

When to Seek Medical Treatment For Illness Symptoms

Having to carry around tissues to battle your runny nose may be irritating, however, a runny nose is often a harmless system that will resolve on it’s own. Runny noses often occur in the early stages of an infection, most commonly a viral infection. It often is paired with sinus congestion, and can last anywhere from a few days to over a week.

Although having a runny nose is uncomfortable, it rarely signals the beginning of a serious illness. Because of this, you often can manage a runny nose with over the counter decongestants. However, if you are someone who is at-rsik for severe illness, it may be a good idea to seek early illness diagnosis from your medical provider so that you can start treatment early if necessary and prevent severe illness.

Illness Prevention Tips

During cold and flu season, the chances of catching a minor illness in your day to day life is higher than any other time of year. This is because these common illness are viral, which makes them highly contagious. Viral infections can be transmitted through both direct contact with an infected individual and indirect contact. This means that if you touch the same surface or breath the same air as an infected person, you may contract their illness.

The best way to prevent illness this winter is to take precautionary measures to keep you and your loved ones illness free. Increasing the frequency that you wash your hands and using hand sanitizer regularly will help kill viruses that you pick up from touching surfaces like door handles out in public. Getting your annual vaccinations, such as the flu shot, can also help reduce your chances of developing severe illness from common infections.

Visit AFC Urgent Care Lakewood For Same-Day Illness Symptom Diagnosis & Treatment

If you’re experiencing illness symptoms, seeking early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent your symptoms from worsening. At AFC Urgent Care Lakewood, we offer comprehensive illness care on a walk-in basis for patients in Lakewood, CO and the surrounding communities. Complete with an on-site laboratory, our facility is conveniently located and open seven days a week. Simply walk-in or reserve your spot online.

When you’re not feeling your best, the medical staff at AFC Urgent Care Lakewood is here to help. Our medical providers are board-certified and trained to diagnose and treat a variety of common illnesses. We accept most medical insurance plans and offer low cost care options so that you can get the care that you need. Visit AFC Urgent Care Lakewood today for same-day illness diagnosis and treatment. For addition information, please contact us directly by calling (303) 988-3600.

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