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How Can You Make Time for Fitness During Thanksgiving?

April 28, 2021

Can you believe that the Thanksgiving holiday is almost upon us? It is crazy how fast the year goes by, especially when we get to the holiday season.

While our team at AFC Urgent Care Levittown wants you to enjoy the holiday with loved ones, we also want you to make sure you are keeping your focus on your health this Thanksgiving. With all the focus on food, it can be easy to let your healthy habits fall by the wayside. But don't!

How Can You Stay Healthy on Thanksgiving?

Although Thanksgiving is an important holiday, it is also one that should include your healthy habits.

While you more than likely will be spending the day with loved ones, you also want to make sure that you are including a healthy breakfast, exercise, plenty of sleep and lots of water!

Ways to Eat Healthier on Thanksgiving

  • Avoid using the fryer for the turkey.
  • Make healthy swaps like cauliflower for potatoes.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Divide the leftovers among everyone.
  • Fill one half of your plate with fruits and veggies.
  • Use a smaller-sized plate.

How Can You Incorporate Exercise Into Your Thanksgiving Day?

Making time for exercise on Thanksgiving can actually be easier than you might realize. Rather than trying to find time to exercise for yourself, make it something you can do as a family.

Whether you take up a game of touch football in the backyard or a walk around the neighborhood after dinner, you will create even more memories with loved ones while also making time for exercise.

Healthy Habits for Thanksgiving

  • Eat a nutritious breakfast.
  • Put yourself in a good position to not overeat.
  • Savor every bite.
  • Make time for catching up with family through conversation rather than eating.
  • Be sure to stay active.

Are you experiencing some stomach issues this November? Do you think it could be a virus or food poisoning? Visit AFC Urgent Care Levittown today for a medical exam. No appointment is necessary!

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