What Causes Congestion in the Summer?

June 28, 2024

While most people associate congestion with colds and the flu that people tend to get in the winter, or with allergies that are brought on in the spring, some people experience their worst congestion during the summer. A combination of irritants like pollen and mold as well as humidity can cause a variety of symptoms similar to a cold, including nasal congestion. If you’re suffering from congestion this summer, AFC Urgent Care Linden can ...

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Can Dehydration Cause Drowsiness?

June 28, 2024

Our bodies require water to function. Water supports the health of our internal system, however, our bodies require that we keep ourselves well-hydrated and replenished with water throughout the day. Our individual water requirements depend on our lifestyles. However, dehydration is an extremely common condition that occurs when we do not replenish our bodies with enough water. Dehydration can occur during any time of the year, but it is especially common during the summer. More ...

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Pollen Allergy Symptoms

May 5, 2024

During the spring months, it is very common to experience symptoms of seasonal allergies. As the weather gets warmer, plants begin to bloom in full force. This can release a large quality of a common allergen - pollen. Millions of people suffer from seasonal allergies every year. If you’re wondering whether you’re suffering from seasonal allergies, keep reading to learn more about common symptoms associated with spring allergies. At AFC Urgent Care Linden, we ...

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How to Get Rid of a Poison Ivy Rash

May 5, 2024

During the warmer spring and summer months, it is important to spend time outside while the weather is nice. Hiking, biking, running, going for a walk, playing in a park, and even just doing yard work are great ways to spend time outside. However, all of these activities increase your risk of coming into contact with poison ivy. Poison ivy is a plant that grows in many areas of the U.S. It secretes oils ...

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How Long Do Allergy Symptoms Linger For?

April 29, 2024

Allergies are our bodies’ responses to threats to our immune systems. They occur when our immune systems see and try to fight a potential threat. Depending on the severity of the allergy, some people might experience mild symptoms, while others have more serious reactions. During the springtime, many people suffer from moderate to severe allergy symptoms as a result of the spring bloom season. These allergens can be tricky to avoid, making it important to ...

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How To Know When You Need Medical Care For a Cut

April 29, 2024

In your busy day-to-day life, getting a cut is quite common and can happen to anyone unexpectedly. However, if you are negligent and do not treat a cut effectively it can easily become infected. Whether it is a simple kitchen accident or a paper cut, it is important to know the correct treatment steps to take to prevent an infection and promote proper healing. In certain cases, you may need to seek medical attention for ...

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Does A Sinus Infection Cause Ear Pain?

March 3, 2024

Your sinuses are the canals behind your face that serve as the connecting airway between your lungs, nose, and mouth. Your sinuses naturally produce mucus to help keep the skin in these airways moist and healthy. Mucus is also produced by your sinuses to help trap and flush debris away from your lungs. In the case of an infection, your sinuses can sometimes produce too much mucus and cause a buildup of mucus in your ...

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How to Protect Yourself From Getting Sick While Traveling

March 3, 2024

Spring and summer are popular times for travel. If you’re eagerly awaiting your next trip, you may not be thinking about what your plan is if you suddenly get sick before your trip, or if you get sick while traveling. Illnesses can happen unexpectedly, so it is important to understand the risk factors for contracting an illness while you’re traveling. Keep reading to learn more about ways that you can prevent illness while ...

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Early Signs of Hypothermia

February 1, 2024

With spring just around the corner, it can be easy to forget the risks associated with extreme weather. However, weather during the early spring months can be incredibly unpredictable. Spring weather can quickly change from a sunny day with temperature highs in the 50s to a snowstorm overnight. It is important to be aware of the weather during this time of seasonal change. Hypothermia is an extremely dangerous condition that can occur if you are ...

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Do Burns From Cooking Require Medical Treatment?

February 1, 2024

Burns are very common injuries. They can happen in a split second, but the damage from burns can take weeks or even months to heal from. Understanding proper safety precautions around flames or hot surfaces can save you from experiencing a burn. Cooking is one of the most common causes of minor burns. Learn more about how to avoid getting burned while cooking and what to do if you do get a burn while in ...

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