How To Prevent Summer and Rec. League Injuries For All Levels

August 29, 2022

From simple injuries like bruises, cuts, and ankle sprain to more serious ones like dislocations, sports injuries happen all the time which can mean that injury prevention may likely save a trip to urgent care. Stretching, warm-ups and appropriate medical prevention skills can help reduce the chances of injuries. Read more below to stay educated on how to prevent recreational injuries during the summer for all ages.

1.     Warm-up and Stretching Exercises

Stretching is not just the go-to, unconscious action we take after waking up in the morning. It is a practice that helps to flex out your body movement and prevent stiffness, muscle pull, and strains. It prepares you for the exercise or activity ahead (like testing the water instead of jumping in all at once). By trying on a few warm-up exercises that stretch the legs, hands, neck, and body, it would be easier for your body to pick up and move to make the chances of body pains, aches, and injuries less likely.

2.     Gear up

As cliche as this sounds, many still choose not to use the needed gears for safety. Injuries during exercises and sports are usually not completely avoidable. Your child can always run too hard, hit or stone, or worse, gym equipment could fall and hit someone. Safety gears help to reduce the impact to the nearest minimum hence preventing injuries. For instance, use running shoes for running instead of pam slippers, and adopt the use of padding or a helmet when riding a bike. 

3.     Eat healthily

Skipping breakfast because you don’t want to miss sports league training is a bad idea and a risky one at that. During exercises, your body burns fat and makes use of energy. This energy is only available as a result of the food you eat. When you refuse to eat before working out, your body would find no energy to use and hence make you feel weak. This will not only allow you to do less, but can also make you dizzy, sluggish, or cause a headache. Also, it is not enough to just eat. The key is to eat healthily. Take the right amount of nutrients and avoid eating junk.

4.     Stay home if you feel sick

If you feel weak or unable to do much, prioritize rest at home. Stay back for exercise and try to gather your strength back. Hydrate well and take some time to sleep. If you have sleeping disorders or are unable to rest properly, visit an urgent health care center today for the right medication you need. Excessive body pain also indicates that you need to rest. Do not work or exercise through pain.

With these tips and pointers, you should be able to prevent summer and recreational injuries to a minimum and have your kids and you enjoy the summer fun you desire. More so, in the event of a sudden injury, visit an urgent care center for same-day treatment or visit via walk-in clinic access!

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