When Should I Get My Flu Shot?

October 17, 2022

With the holiday season around the corner, you may find yourself spending more time with family and friends. Although gathering with your community is fun, it’s important to remember how close contact with other people, specifically indoors, can increase the risk of being diagnosed with common illnesses, like influenza. This year, don’t let your symptoms get the best of you. Getting your flu vaccine is the best way to avoid sickness, but you ...

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Does COVID Cause High Blood Pressure?

October 17, 2022

In 2022, COVID is still affecting our communities. As symptoms of the disease vary from person to person, some may notice unusually high blood pressure. High blood pressure can be a serious problem to some groups of people, including those aged 65 and older. By better understanding the connection between COVID and high blood pressure, you can work toward lowering and maintaining a healthy blood pressure. At AFC Urgent Care Louisville, our team of licensed ...

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Becoming a Healthier You | AFC Urgent Care Louisville

September 14, 2022

Small Steps that Lead to A Healthier You It’s human nature to overcomplicate things, but personal health can be simple with a little work! We all know we should be eating healthier, exercising regularly, and taking care of our mental health, but sometimes it can be stressful to start. It’s important to remember that we can all take daily small steps towards building overall health and wellness. So where should you start? Everyone ...

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Do I Need a DOT Physical? | AFC Urgent Care Louisville

September 14, 2022

Do I Need A DOT Physical Exam? A Department of Transportation (DOT) physical is a medical exam that confirms whether or not commercial drivers are healthy enough to safely operate vehicles that carry a gross combination weight of 10,000 pounds or more. If you’re a commercial driver, or plan on becoming one in the future, a DOT physical is required by law to ensure safety for you and those around you. Whether it ...

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Who needs a Hepatitis Vaccine?

September 7, 2022

A hepatitis vaccine is recommended for those who are traveling to different parts of the world. There are a few different types of hepatitis, but they can all have serious symptoms. Vaccines are the best type of protection. Speak with a medical provider about whether you need a hepatitis vaccine before traveling. AFC Urgent Care Louisville provides hepatitis vaccines for any reason. For those interested in learning more, call our center or visit us to ...

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Does Urgent Care Do STD Testing?

July 31, 2022

If you're wondering if urgent care clinics offer STD testing, the answer is yes. In fact, many urgent care clinics offer walk-in STD testing and treatment services. This makes it easy for you to get the tests and care you need without having to make an appointment or go to a hospital.  So, if you're worried that you may have contracted an STD, don't hesitate to visit AFC Urgent Care Louisville. Our ...

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How to Heal a Burn Fast

July 31, 2022

There are many ways to treat a burn, some of which are more effective than others. This article will explore the best ways to heal a burn quickly and effectively. Burn treatment can vary depending on the severity of the burn, so it is important to know what to do when you or someone else gets burned.  AFC Urgent Care Louisville provides high-quality injury treatment. The safety of our patients is our highest priority. If ...

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Does STD Testing Hurt?

June 27, 2022

Most people would say that getting an STD test is not a fun experience. But is it really as bad as everyone makes it out to be? Millions of Americans are tested for STDs every day. If you have ever had unprotected sex, or are currently sexually active, you should have gotten tested at this point. However, some patients are not aware of the ease of STD testing and how accessible it really is. At ...

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How Do You Know If You Have Sun Poisoning?

June 27, 2022

Summertime is the best time of year, right? The sun is shining, the weather is warm, and there's nothing better than spending a day at the beach. What do you do if you spend too much time in the sun and start to feel sick? You may have sun poisoning! AFC Urgent Care Louisville provides treatment for sun poisoning and other severe sunburns. While, in many cases, there is not much we can do ...

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Is Hepatitis Contagious?

May 25, 2022

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease caused by the liver. People also call this condition inflammation of the liver. There are various categories of this condition with different symptoms, causes, and treatment methods. But, the most important question today is whether Hepatitis is contagious or not. The simple answer is yes, but only in specific conditions. There are two major categories of Hepatitis: infectious and noninfectious Hepatitis. AFC Urgent Care Louisville provides vaccines for patients, including ...

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