Can I Workout with COVID?

May 25, 2022

One of the main symptoms of COVID-19 is fatigue. Many patients have reported feeling more lethargic and less energetic after testing positive for COVID. This alone may make you feel unmotivated toward working out. However, there are certain steps you can take to safely work out while sick. AFC Urgent Care Louisville provides COVID-19 testing to all patients. Our providers can have your results back within your appointment. They can also make recommendations for your ...

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Reasons to Drink Less Alcohol

April 27, 2022

Alcohol may be pleasurable to those who drink it, but it negatively affects health. That makes it imperative for drinkers to cut down their daily quantity. A dietitian once said reducing alcohol intake improves human health faster. However, that isn’t the only benefit you can derive from limiting your alcohol intake. If you are one of those that capitalize on excessive alcohol on occasion, below is why you should desist from such a habit ...

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What Vaccines Help Prevent Cancer?

April 27, 2022

Cancer is one disease that nobody wants to experience in a lifetime. For that reason, it would be helpful if people take preventive measures instead of overspending on treatment. Luckily, different cancer vaccines are available to equip the immune system against this terminal disease. Now that you are still healthy, you must deactivate the viruses that cause cancer. AFC Urgent Care Louisville provides vaccinations to all patients. Between preventative care, illness prevention, and injury treatment ...

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When Should I Bring My Child to Urgent Care?

March 22, 2022

Once a child is born, they become a new full-time responsibility. Parents can’t always be there with them, and even when they are, some situations can’t be avoided. Children are constantly experiencing new things, and not all of them are good. Falling and getting hurt or becoming sick is part of being a kid. When it comes time for the parent to handle the situation, it’s good to know where to take ...

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What STDs Can I Be Tested For?

March 22, 2022

No one enjoys talking about a sexually transmitted infection (STI), otherwise known as a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It's difficult enough to manage an STD, but it makes it even harder to open up about it. STDs are very common, and with many STDs having little to no symptoms, some people aren't even aware they have one. Many people don't get tested because they don't want to talk about their condition ...

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Do I Need a COVID Vaccine Booster?

February 22, 2022

If you are already fully vaccinated, you may be wondering whether or not you should receive the COVID-19 booster. The answer is yes. The vaccine is our best chance to eradicate the COVID virus and end the pandemic. A booster shot gives you further immunity as new variants emerge. AFC Urgent Care Louisville provides COVID-19 testing to all patients on an appointment basis. Knowing you are sick with COVID can help stop the spread, so ...

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First Aid for Burns

February 22, 2022

Burns is a usual everyday injury. While some can be treated at home, others require the attention of medical experts to prevent the risks of infection. Whether or not it requires medical care will depend on the degree of the burn.   AFC Urgent Care Louisville can treat up to second-degree burns, as long as they aren't bigger than three inches. Don't waste time suffering in the emergency room, visit AFC Boulder to get ...

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Do I Have a Sinus Infection?

February 7, 2022

A sinus infection occurs when your nasal cavities become swollen and inflamed. Then fluid begins to grow up, which can cause germs to grow in the nasal cavity and lead to sinus infection. Sinus infections, in most cases, are caused mainly by bacteria and fungus. You might need a medical test to confirm if you really have sinusitis so that you won’t confuse them with something else. AFC Urgent Care Louisville can treat many ...

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Recognizing Omicron Symptoms

February 7, 2022

With new COVID variants running rampant in our communities, there is more uncertainty regarding information. Scientists and researchers are doing their best to learn more about COVID, its symptoms, potential side effects, and long-term concerns. As a citizen, we can only do our part by avoiding close contact with others while sick, social distancing when needed, and wearing a mask in large crowds.  AFC Urgent Care Louisville provides COVID-19 testing to all patients in the ...

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How to Avoid Pneumonia

January 7, 2022

Pneumonia is an infection caused by a bacteria or virus that fills up the lungs with fluid or pus, causing the alveoli (air sacs) to get irritated and swollen. This may result in a variety of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. Pneumonia can as well be caused by irritants or fungi that you breathe into your lungs. The severity of this infection depends on many factors which include; your age, the cause of pneumonia ...

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