Frequently Asked Questions About Telemedicine

May 19, 2020

TELEMEDICINE VISIT In these uncertain times, AFC Urgent Care Louisville understands that some patients may be unable to leave their homes even for essential medical care. In order to make sure our patients can get the diagnosis and care they need, AFC Urgent Care Louisville is offering telemedicine visits seven days a week.  What is telemedicine and how can I have a virtual visit? Telemedicine is a remote visit with a physician over a secure ...

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Frequently Asked Questions About Telemedicine

May 19, 2020

" TELEMEDICINE VISIT In these uncertain times, AFC Urgent Care Louisville understands that some patients may be unable to leave their homes even for essential medical care. In order to make sure our patients can get the diagnosis and care they need, AFC Urgent Care Louisville is offering telemedicine visits seven days a week.  What is telemedicine and how can I have a virtual visit? Telemedicine is a remote visit with a physician over a secure ...

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