What To Do If You Get COVID-19

November 25, 2020

" The second wave of COVID is among us, and it’s important to be as informed as possible. Understanding how it is spread is key to not spreading it to others. There is currently no vaccine for COVID, so the only way to avoid catching it is by social distancing, wearing a mask, and frequently washing your hands. If you think you have had COVID in the past, AFC Urgent Care Louisville offers antibody testing ...

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How To Stay Safe This Winter

November 25, 2020

" Accidents happen, and AFC Urgent Care Louisville is here for you. People are more likely to break bones during the Winter because of icy and snowy conditions. There is also a risk of getting sick with a cold, the flu, bronchitis, or even pneumonia. The second wave of COVID has brought everyone into a frenzy, so it’s important to take the proper precautions to stay safe this season. We are here to provide you ...

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