How Long Does Sunburn Itching Last?

July 12, 2023

Imagine, after having a great beach day, you realize you have exceeded the tanning time. A patch on your skin now is causing severe itching and redness. You must have forgotten to apply sunscreen because it's a sunburn! Sunburns can be a severe painful consequence of spending excessive time in the sun. Your time in the direct sun should be limited, as overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can lead to long-term skin damage.

This article will summarize all the relevant information related to sunburn. Keep reading to learn how long sunburn itching lasts and how to treat it. For same-day sunburn care, visit AFC Urgent Care Louisville! Our board-certified medical providers can evaluate the severity of your condition and plan the best treatment for relief.

Causes and Symptoms of a Sunburn Itch

Sunburn is the most common and unpleasant side effect of excessive sun exposure. However, its causes and symptoms are not fully known by anyone. Here are some of the factors that usually contribute to its development. These are:

UV Radiation

Overexposure to sun ultraviolet (UV) radiation damages the skin's outer layer. This damage will ultimately lead to sunburn. It triggers the inflammatory response in the body that causes itching and discomfort.

Dry Skin

Sunburn can dehydrate the skin, stripping it of its natural moisture. Dry, dehydrated skin is more prone to itching and irritation.

Release of Histamines

The body's immune response to sunburn involves the release of histamines, which are chemicals that cause itching and inflammation.

Moreover, several symptoms of sunburn itch can vary from mild to severe. These symptoms typically appear within a few hours or days after sun exposure. These symptoms are:

  • Intense itching
  • Redness and inflammation
  • Dry and peeling skin
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Restlessness and discomfort in the skin

Duration of Symptoms

When experiencing sunburn, this itchy sensation usually pops out within 48 hours of sun exposure. It causes discomfort that runs deep into the skin and is difficult to calm down. Most of the time, this sunburn will clear up within three to four days of exposure, along with the itching.

Prevention Tips and Treatment Options to Alleviate Itch

Here are some of the prevention tips that you can imply to minimize the risk of developing the associated itching. These are:

  • Limit Sun Exposure
  • Wear Protective Clothing to Cover exposed areas of the
  • Apply Sunscreen
  • Seek shade and stay in the shade whenever possible, especially during the sun's peak hours.
  • Stay Hydrated

If you do get sunburned and experience severe itchiness, then here are some of the treatments to alleviate sunburn itch:

  • Apply a cool and damp compress or take cool baths to soothe the skin and relieve itching.
  • Moisturize your skin to keep your skin hydrated. It also helps to soothe the sunburn.
  • Use calamine lotion or other over-the-counter creams to get relief from itchiness.
  • Avoid scratching the irritated area.

Get Sunburn Relief at AFC Urgent Care Louisville

Sunburns can cause severe pain and itchiness; therefore, avoid scratching the itchy area. Furthermore, avoid causes that can lead to its development and cause discomfort. If you plan to take any medication to treat it, consult a doctor first. When you need sunburn relief, trust the medical team at AFC Urgent Care Louisville. If you have any additional questions about our services, please call us at (720) 961-9700.

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